Event Details

Sign up by Monday, September 19th to participate in the 2nd Annual IAC Scholarship Fund Cornhole Tournament at the Annual Conference! The tournament will take place on Monday, September 25 during the welcome reception and is open to conference attendees, corporate partners, exhibitors, and sponsors!
A $35 minimum donation is required per participant (not per team), and all players must register individually. If there is someone you would like to be teamed up with, please include their name in the registration form and reach out to them to ensure they also sign up. If you don't have a preferred teammate, we'll be happy to match you up with a fellow attendee.
If you'd prefer to observe, you can still participate in the fundraising event by buying advantages and disadvantages for teams.
Hurry! There are a limited number of teams available and tournament registration closes on Monday, September 19th. Don't miss out!

New this year! Heads or Tails is a game of chance where the participants pay to purchase strands of beads for a chance to be the last one standing. Participants will compete to guess whether a coin flip will result in heads (put hands on head) or tails (puts hands on tail). If you guess wrong, you remove a strand of beads. If you have no beads left, you are out of the game. The last person standing will win a prize!

Is it time for a new headshot? Perfect timing! IACSF is hosting a headshot fundraiser at IAC Annual. You'll take a few minutes to sit for our professional photographer during one of our three open studio times. We'll email you your digital headshot after the conference. It's that easy! Use the headshot for your campaign, your LinkedIn profile, or even your county's website! All proceeds go towards the IAC Scholarship Fund.