9:55 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. EST
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10:00 A.M. EST
Welcome by the VTCRC
This panel of professionals will discuss lessons learned
about remote working during the pandemic, including lock down and physical distancing recommendations,
and implications for the future of remote work in the New River Valley area.
Panel Discussion moderated by Pete Larkin
Q & A / Feedback
If you missed this event, please enjoy the recording thru October 24th
Thank you for participating virtually!
This panel will discuss lessons learned about remote working during the pandemic, lock down and physical distancing, and implications for the future of remote work in the New River Valley area.
Global Survey Reveals 77% of Workforce Wants to Work from Home after COVID-19
Largest post-COVID survey to date indicates workers are more productive and happier at home
-Kate Lister, President of Global Workplace Analytics
Remote work is not new, but with more and more people working remotely, especially in these difficult times, different challenges have emerged.
Many of us - in business, government, education, and non-profit organizations - have gotten a crash course in working remotely the past few months. Remote work comes in a variety of styles:
What have we learned?
founder/partner of MAXX Potential
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Senior Vice President & CIO at Carilion Clinic
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Director of Economic Development at Virginia Tech
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Professor at Radford University
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Senior Consultant, Public Affairs at Carilion Clinic
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Recording and overview
GARY SCHIRR, Professor at Radford University gschirr@radford.edu
Shared data from his personal survey that suggested 65-70% personally feel the advantages of working remotely outweighed the disadvantages & more.
KIM MAHAN, CISSP Founder/Partner of MAXX Potential kim@maxxpotential.com
Brought reflections from her experience as a business owner, what challenges were faced and how her pivot has revealed opportunities for growth in a way that were not considered.
JOHN A. PROVO Director of Economic Development at Virginia Tech john.provo@gmail.com
John came prepared with many stats and thoughts with regards to higher education, the future of commercial real estate and insight on what we need to do on a regional level to position ourselves to be a viable and attractive hub moving forward.
KEITH PERRY Senior Vice President & CIO at Carilion Clinic rkperry@carilionclinic.org
Keith shared with us the monumental dual challenges faced by the healthcare industry in accommodating and enabling the administration, staff and 13,000+ employees to work safely as well as supporting and providing telemedicine and services to patients.
This virtual event was beautifully moderated by PETE LARKIN Senior Consultant, Public Affairs at Carilion Clinicpslarkin@carilionclinic.org
As guests logged on to the live event, a simple survey of event attendees revealed a 64% of us are currently in a work from home situation, while now 20% are in a hybrid state of back and forth which may become our new normal; is this transition a productive use of time?
Recent Bureau of Labor statistics revealed
To Dos for the NRV
If you missed this event, please enjoy the recording thru October 24th
Because we often spend 40 + hours a week working, the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center wants a community that promotes a complete well-rounded program to promote healthiness for both mind and body. Our focus is to provide companies with six essential elements to assist your employees with a fulfilled balanced life through our VTCRC 360°: Corporate Wellness Program.
PURPOSE Liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals
SOCIAL Having supportive relationships and networking interactions
FINANCIAL Managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security
COMMUNITY Liking where you live and having pride in your community
PHYSICAL Having good health and enough energy to get things done daily
HEALTHY EATING Making good food choices to fit your health and dietary goals