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Forecasting and inventory management are two crucial logistics activities that affect a company's profitability and ability to remain competitive in the long run. Effective management of these processes ensures that the company will have the right product available at the right place and time in the right amount to satisfy the needs of its customers. This course is designed to have a broad appeal across professionals. It is aimed to provide an understanding of how forecasting and inventory management in business performed effectively in organizations can benefit.

Who Should Attend


This introductory course is best suited for individuals with some understanding of supply chains as well as issues related to demand uncertainty, product availability, etc. OR anyone who aims to get started in the exciting world of supply chains.

Focusing On


Module 1: Forecasting Overview, Current State and Future Advances - The session will discuss the role of forecasting in supply chains and how does it affect company profitability? It will also discuss various approaches used in forecasting future demand.

Module 2: Inventory Management and its Strategic Role in supply chains - This session will discuss the critical role that inventories play in effective supply chain management. It will also discuss the different approaches in managing inventory in supply chains.