This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other The Society of Gynecologic Oncology of Canada events.

Are you an attendee? You will have received an email from (check your junk) that provides you with access to the platform and the meeting.

Are you a presenter? You will have received a calendar invite and a direct Zoom link.

Need help quickly? Send an email to the GOC staff at or text 1-888-496-3662.

AGM highlights new advancements in research and practice in the field of gynecologic oncology. This engaging professional development event offers access to world-renowned speakers, plenary talks, abstract presentations, and so much more.

Upon completion of the conference, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify challenges related to indigenous health across Canada
  2. Discuss opportunities to support and improve gynecologic oncology care for indigenous communities.
  3. Review the exciting data related to secondary cytoreductive surgery in ovarian cancer and improve appropriate patient selection for this procedure.
  4. Describe the local and international surgical clinical trials landscape
  5. Assess recent Canadian research in gynecologic oncology.

This is a virtual meeting. Please note that all times in the agenda on this site are in PST.







Welcome and Introduction

Tomer Feigenberg






Presidential Talk- The Joyce Echaquan Inquiry: Learning and Unlearning in Indigenous Health

Marcia Anderson

At the end of this session, participants will:
1. Understand the impact of racism on Indigenous health and health care.
2. Identify the human rights basis of Joyce's Principle.
3. Critically reflect on opportunities for action to improve health care quality for Indigenous Peoples.






Oral Abstract Presentations (3 min / 3 slides) and 2 min Q&A for each abstract presentation

Sarah MahCristina MitricElisabeth SpenardBrenna Swift

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies: *Oncologic and pregnancy outcomes after fertility sparing surgery for stage I, low grade endometrioid ovarian cancer - Brenna E. Swift MD, MASc. *Hepatitis B screening to reduce the risk of viral reactivation in gynecologic oncology patients receiving chemotherapy at a regional tertiary cancer centre: a quality improvement initiative - Sarah J. Mah MD MSc FRCSC. *Quality of end-of-life care for women with gynecologic malignancies in Ontario, Canada: a 13-year population-based retrospective analysis - Sarah J. Mah MD MSc FRCSC. *Apixaban for Postoperative Thromboprophylaxis as Standard of Care for Gynecologic Oncology Patients: A Real-World Data Study - Elisabeth Spenard MD, MSc. *Cost-analysis of an enhanced recovery program after minimally invasive gynecologic oncology surgery - Cristina Mitric MD.






First Break

Sponsor Symposium (15 min)






Video abstracts (3 minutes presentation and 2 minute Q&A)

Catriona BuickRevital Linder

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies: * Laparoscopic repair of obturator nerve injury at the time of pelvic lymphadenectomy - Revital Linder MD. * Predictors of Supportive Care in Young Women Diagnosed with a Gynecological Malignancy - Catriona J Buick RN, PhD, CON(C).






Oral Abstract Presentations (7 min presentations and 3 min Q&A for each presentation)

Kristin BlackMaxime CôtéRachel Kim

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies: * Are mismatch repair deficient endometrial cancer recurrences more salvageable than intact cohort? - Rachel Soyoun Kim MD, MHSc, FRCSC. * The effect of transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative opioid use in gynecologic oncology patients undergoing laparotomy with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). - Kristin A Black MD FRCSC. * Are uterine manipulators harmful in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for endometrial cancer? A retrospective cohort study. - Maxime Côté MD.











Surgical Clinical Trials. Challenges and Opportunities

Andreas du BoisMarie PlanteMark Carey

This will be a panel of experts that will help you discover the world of surgical clinical trials from ideation to application. They will also cover constraints such as funding. The AGO perspective: Dr. Andreas Dubois. Surgical Trials in Cervix Cancer: The SHAPE of the future, Dr. Marie Plante. Surgical Gynecological Cancer Trials and the CCTG: Dr. Mark Carey.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Describe the framework leading to clinical trial approval in Canada. 2. Review recent successful Canadian initiated surgical clinical trials. 3. Discuss ways to engage more Canadian clinicians and centres in surgical clinical trials.






DeskTop Trials and Secondary Cytoreduction Debate

Andreas du BoisSusie Lau

The battle is on! Two debators will take a pro vs. con position on secondary cytoreductive surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer. Pros. Dr Andreas DuBois. vs. Cons. Dr Susie Lau

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Review available current literature related to secondary cytoreductive surgery in recurrent ovarian cancer. 2. Identify potential patients and indications for this procedure. 3. Discuss the clinical relevance and impact in the Canadian setting.






OvCAN Symposium

Barbara VanderhydenStephanie Lheureux, MD, PhDHelen MacKayAlicia Tone, PhD

At the end of this session, participants will be able to: 1. Summarize the vision/mission and goals of OvCan. 2. Review the trial that has applied a “one-two punch” by combining the PARP inhibitor Veliparib with a second drug, Navitoclax. The two-pronged goal of this trial: to expand the benefits of this therapy to more women; and to prolong its effects in managing recurrences of the disease. 3. Review the NEO Trial which aims to determine how early this new therapy can be introduced in an ovarian cancer patient’s journey. The trial will compare the use of the PARP inhibitor Olaparib to standard chemotherapy applied immediately before and after surgery as a way to delay disease progression and reduce recurrences.


Presidential Talk

The Joyce Echaquan Inquiry: Learning and Unlearning in Indigenous Health by Dr. Marcia Anderson

At the end of this session, participants will:

  1. Understand the impact of racism on Indigenous health and health care.
  2. Identify the human rights basis of Joyce's Principle.
  3. Critically reflect on opportunities for action to improve health care quality for Indigenous Peoples.

Access the recording

Oral Abstract Presentations

3 min / 3 slides

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies:

  • Oncologic and pregnancy outcomes after fertility sparing surgery for stage I, low grade endometrioid ovarian cancer - Brenna E. Swift, MD, MASc.
  • Hepatitis B screening to reduce the risk of viral reactivation in gynecologic oncology patients receiving chemotherapy at a regional tertiary cancer centre: a quality improvement initiative - Sarah J. Mah, MD, MSc, FRCSC.
  • Quality of end-of-life care for women with gynecologic malignancies in Ontario, Canada: a 13-year population-based retrospective analysis - Sarah J. Mah, MD, MSc, FRCSC.
  • Apixaban for Postoperative Thromboprophylaxis as Standard of Care for Gynecologic Oncology Patients: A Real-World Data Study - Elisabeth Spénard MD, MSc.
  • Cost-analysis of an enhanced recovery program after minimally invasive gynecologic oncology surgery - Cristina Mitric MD.

Access the recording

Video Abstracts

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies:

  • Laparoscopic repair of obturator nerve injury at the time of pelvic lymphadenectomy - Revital Linder, MD.
  • Predictors of Supportive Care in Young Women Diagnosed with a Gynecological Malignancy - Catriona J Buick, RN, PhD, CON(C).

Access the recording

Oral Abstract Presentations

7-min presentations and 3-min Q&A

At the end of this session, participants should be able to evaluate the following studies:

  • Are mismatch repair deficient endometrial cancer recurrences more salvageable than intact cohort? - Rachel Soyoun Kim, MD, MHSc, FRCSC.
  • The effect of transversus abdominis plane block on postoperative opioid use in gynecologic oncology patients undergoing laparotomy with Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS). - Kristin A Black, MD, FRCSC.
  • Are uterine manipulators harmful in minimally invasive surgery (MIS) for endometrial cancer? A retrospective cohort study. - Maxime Côté, MD.

Access the recording

Surgical Clinical Trials

Challenges and Opportunities

This is a panel of experts that will help you discover the world of surgical clinical trials from ideation to application. They will also cover constraints such as funding. The AGO perspective: Dr. Andreas Dubois. Surgical Trials in Cervix Cancer: The SHAPE of the future, Dr. Marie Plante. Surgical Gynecological Cancer Trials and the CCTG: Dr. Mark Carey.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Describe the framework leading to clinical trial approval in Canada.
  2. Review recent successful Canadian initiated surgical clinical trials.
  3. Discuss ways to engage more Canadian clinicians and centres in surgical clinical trials.

Access the recording

DeskTop Trials and Secondary Cytoreduction Debate

The battle is on!

Two debators will take a pro vs. con position on secondary cytoreductive surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer. Pros. Dr Andreas DuBois. vs. Cons. Dr Susie Lau.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Review available current literature related to secondary cytoreductive surgery in recurrent ovarian cancer.
  2. Identify potential patients and indications for this procedure.
  3. Discuss the clinical relevance and impact in the Canadian setting.

Access the recording

OvCAN Symposium

Dr. Barbara Vanderhyden, Dr. Stephanie Lheureux. Dr. Helen MacKay, Dr. Alicia Tone.

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Summarize the vision/mission and goals of OvCan.
  2. Review the trial that has applied a "one-two punch" by combining the PARP inhibitor Veliparib with a second drug, Navitoclax. The two-pronged goal of this trial: to expand the benefits of this therapy to more women; and to prolong its effects in managing recurrences of the disease.
  3. Review the NEO Trial which aims to determine how early this new therapy can be introduced in an ovarian cancer patient's journey. The trial will compare the use of the PARP inhibitor Olaparib to standard chemotherapy applied immediately before and after surgery as a way to delay disease progression and reduce recurrences.

Access the recording

Abstract Submission

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology of Canada (GOC) invites researchers from around the world to submit abstracts for presentation at the 43rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) which will be held virtually on June 10, 2022.

The meeting will feature a wide range of exciting talks, discussions, and networking opportunities with experts, researchers, trainees and leaders in the field of gynecologic oncology. Investigators at all career stages are encouraged to submit as many abstracts as you would like.

Your best ranking abstract will be included in the competition for oral presentation, all other abstracts will be presented as posters and/or video presentations.


The Call for Abstracts is closed.

  • The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, April 15, 2022, at 11:59pm PST. No extensions.
  • All abstracts must be received through the online abstract submission form before the deadline. Incomplete or late submissions will not be accepted.
  • A clear and concise abstract should not include graphs, tables and references.
  • Title: formatted in sentence case, not Title Case of UPPERCASE. The title should be brief and clearly indicate the nature of the abstract.
  • A list of all authors including their full name, designations and institutional affiliations.
  • Abstract text should be a maximum of 300 words and include:
  • Objective(s): state the study purpose in a concise manner.
  • Study methods: indicate the location, number and type of human subjects, non-human species or material being studied, the principal test(s) performed, and the type(s) of statistical analysis if applicable.
  • Results: confirm or refute the hypothesis, supported by statistics if appropriate.
  • Conclusion: State the summary of the results and the impact the study has in the related field of research.
  • Professional Status: MD (attending staff), Fellow-in-training including those doing their research year, Resident, Medical Student, Scientist, Ph.D. or MSc student, Registered Nurse, Other. Note: it is key to the program that you select the correct professional status.
  • Disclosure of any conflict of interest. ALL authors for each submission must submit their conflict-of-interest form:
  • The abstract text will be published exactly as submitted therefore please proofread before submitting to ensure it is published without typos!


  • Abstract type: Completed work, *Work in Progress, Video. *Work in Progress provides a venue to present new ideas and preliminary studies and research in progress. Work in Progress submissions are invited in the form of ePosters only.
  • Abstract Categories: Cervical Cancer, Endometrial Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Vulvar Cancer, BRCA, Other.
  • Abstract Sub-Categories: Clinical, Health Services Research/Health Policy, Basic Science or Translational, Innovations in Care/Education.


  • GOC continues to encourage original video submissions for peer-review. Your surgical video must pertain to a topic related to gynecologic oncology.
  • Submit a written summary describing the content of the video that is no more than 300 words by the abstract submission deadline. The video submission will be required later if the written submission is accepted.
  • Hospital protocol for video recording with patient permission or equivalent must have been followed.
  • All video presentations must be edited and narrated on the audio track in English.
  • No music is allowed in video recordings.
  • Total video length should not exceed 5 minutes including title, introduction and spoken narrative.
  • The video file must be in MP4 format. The video cannot be promotional or commercial in nature.


Submissions will be evaluated using the following criteria (each on a five-point scale):

  • Relevance to gynecologic oncology;
  • Clarity of the research question and appropriateness of the methods;
  • Trustworthiness of the results/findings;
  • Potential impact of the findings or conclusions;
  • Overall interest to healthcare provides who treat or have an interest in gynecologic oncology.

Features that increase the likelihood of results being trustworthy:

  • Cohort/observational studies: inclusion criteria are clear; sample size is sufficient; validated and reliable measures are used; response rate is greater than 80 per cent; follow-up rate is greater than 80 per cent (if longitudinal); statistical analysis is appropriate; conclusions are justified by the results/findings;
  • Trials: inclusion criteria are clear; allocation is randomized; randomization is concealed; blindness is considered; sample size is sufficient; valid and reliable measures are used; follow-up rate is acceptable; statistical analysis is appropriate; conclusions are justified by the results/findings;
  • Qualitative studies: methodology is stated (e.g., grounded theory, phenomenology); sampling is justified (e.g., purposive, theoretical, snowball); data are collected; type of analysis is described (e.g., iterative, thematic, constant comparison); conclusions are justified by the findings.


  • Only the primary presenter will receive complimentary registration for the day they present virtually. All co-presenters will be required to pay the registration fee.
  • The event is online and those invited to present will be able to present from anywhere.
  • Information will be sent to the original submitter only; therefore, we ask that this individual share all correspondence/instructions with co-presenters.
  • It is important to state all conflicts of interest up front upon submission. If any affiliations exist, with you or any of your co-presenters, please state how these will be mitigated with your submission. The primary presenter of each session is responsible for ensuring all co-presenters complete and submit a Conflict-of-Interest form.
  • If your abstract is accepted for the program, it is extremely important that you honour the commitment to present. It is also greatly appreciated if you submit a copy of your poster/slides/recording/etc. in advance of your presentation. All presenters are required to return to the AGM Virtual platform after their presentation and periodically throughout the duration of the "on-demand" viewing period to check for questions and provide answers as required. All presentations are retained and used exclusively by GOC for educational and promotional purposes as needed.


  • All abstracts submitted for consideration for oral, poster and video presentations will be peer- reviewed. Oral, Video and ePoster abstracts will be presented during the 43rd Annual General Meeting. Surgical films and posters will be available for the whole week of AGM and will be ranked on the day of the meeting.
  • Top scoring abstract submissions will be invited to present as oral presentations. Each presenter may only present one oral presentation during the meeting.
  • The top 5 voted ePosters will be invited to present in the oral session.
  • Video submissions will be presented in a designated session.
  • All submissions are eligible for peoples' choice awards in their respective categories.
  • Once accepted, the abstract final presentation files will be requested, the deadline for the submission will be communicated to you. Any presentation that is not submitted by this deadline will be withdrawn from the AGM meeting.
  • For any assistance or questions, please contact us via email at

Abstract Presentation Guidelines

Video presenters

  •  Please prepare a video recording of your abstract with voice narration in English.
  • The video length should NOT exceed 3 minutes.
  • The video should not include any intro music.
  • The video should be finalized and sent as a shared link to on or before Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 11:59pm PSTAny videos that are not uploaded by this deadline will be automatically withdrawn from the meeting.
  • Please ensure that your video is in .mov or .mp4 file format.
  • Use Zoom or your preferred recording software.
  • By submitting your video, you consent to having it made available on-demand.


Your video submission will be presented during the live portion of the virtual meeting on the following date: Friday June 10, 2022, between 10:05 – 10:20am PSTPlease make yourself available for the full presentation as you will have a live 2-minute Q&A session at the end of your video presentation. 


Your video will be judged by members of the GOC community and will be eligible for a Best Video award. Award announcements will take place on Friday, June 10, 2022, at 2:45pm PST.


What we need from you:


Oral Presenters

  •  Please prepare an oral presentation with PowerPoint slides in English to be presented live during the virtual meeting.
  • The presentation should NOT exceed 3 minutes (3min/3slides) or 7 minutes (7min/3min Q&A) and should include a Disclosure and Conflict of Interest slide.
  • Download and use the presenter's PowerPoint Template.
  • The GOC staff will register the main presenter. You will not pay the registration fee.


The oral presentations will be presented in two categories: 3 minutes / 3 slides and the 7 minutes / 3 minutes Q&A. Please refer to the acceptance email that was sent to you to know about your category (check your junk folder).

We ask that you are present for the entire session and be available to answer live questions following the distillation presentation.


What we need from you:

  • Download the conflict-of-interest form.
  • Fill it out and send it to on or before Monday, May 30, 2022, by noon PST.
  • Submit your PowerPoint presentation as a shared link to on or before Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 11:59pm PST. Any presentations that are not uploaded by this deadline will be automatically withdrawn from the meeting.


 Poster Presenters

  • Please prepare a pdf/ppt ePoster and a record a narration of your ePoster. The recording should be in English. 
  • The recording should include a still image/slide of the ePoster in the recording. 
  • The recording should NOT exceed 2 minutes.
  • The ePoster should be finalized as a shared link to on or before Friday, June 3, 2022, at 11:59pm PST. Any eposters that are not uploaded by this deadline will be automatically withdrawn from the meeting. 


Your ePoster submission will be available for viewing by the AGM Virtual meeting participants from June 7, 2022, at 12pm PST until June 10, 2022, at 12pm PST and will be scored by the meeting participants.


The ePosters will be eligible for a Best Poster award. Award announcements will take place on Friday, June 10, 2022, at 2:45pm PST.

Questions? Send us an email at or text us at 1-888-496-3662.

Abstract Book


  • GOC Member Physicians

    CAD $225.-

    Member Price

    Buy Ticket
  • GOC Member Fellows

    CAD $110.-

    Member Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Other GOC Members

    CAD $110.-

    Member Price

    This ticket includes members in the following categories: emeritus, nurses, other healthcare professionals and resident associates

    Buy Ticket
  • Medical Student

    CAD $75.-

    Standard Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Sponsor Representative


    Standard Price

    This option is free for representatives up to the number of spots reserved for your organization as per your sponsorship level. If you are not on the final list submitted by your organization, you will be asked to attend as an "Other Non-Members." Connect with your organization's representative before registering.

    Reserve Ticket
  • Non-Member Physicians

    CAD $275.-

    Standard Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Non-Member Fellows

    CAD $135.-

    Standard Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Other Non-Members

    CAD $150.-

    Standard Price

    Buy Ticket
  • Poster Presenter

    CAD $80.-

    Standard Price

    This ticket is only open to those who have received a poster/video acceptance for their submitted abstract.

    Buy Ticket

Sponsors and Partners



