This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other AI Society of Hong Kong events.

Artificial Intelligence has been one of the controversial topics in the Tech Industry. Every single startup in Silicon Valley is trying to figure out how to make a computer with human-like intelligence. Some people embrace this trend while others fear it. And while we can’t judge for sure whether AI is a step in the right direction, we know one thing for sure:
“AI is here to stay”.

For the last couple of years the investment in A.I. technology has grown exponentially, driving major breakthroughs in the way people and computer communicate. One example of this are the so hyped “Chatbots”. Chatbots hold a great promise for startups and organizations that are looking for new ways to connect with digital-savvy customers.

Attend this Event and get the real story – cut through the hype to get a practical roadmap for making the chatbot a viable and engaging channel for your customers.
Agenda includes:
- Introduction to Chatbots
- Main use cases in the industry
- Good and bad uses of Chatbots
- Basic concepts behind AI
- Whose Jobs will be replaced
- Future Outlook


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