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Inequality in China is on the rise. In 2016, a Peking University study found that the richest 1% of Chinese households own 1/3 of the country’s wealth. Girls in China receive 1.5 fewer years of schooling than boys on average. Severe disparities persist between urban and rural China, as well as in healthcare, housing, and education.

Now more than ever, China's rapidly evolving and complex social sector is becoming an important leveraging point for change. The combination of widespread social media technologies, sector innovation, and a millennial generation driven to do good could lead to new and more effective approaches for combatting inequality here and around the world.

Join Philanthropy in Motion (PIM)'s Impact Lab to gain first-hand experience in Beijing's social innovation sector, while gaining new insights on how we can more effectively make an impact.  Yenching scholars selected for the Lab will explore different approaches to reducing inequality, learn frameworks for thinking on a systems level, and make decisions on how to allocate a real venture philanthropy fund to the social initiative they deem most impactful.

This fall, all Yenching scholars are invited to visit with four social entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders to hear first-hand how their organization is advancing social innovation for marginalized groups. Scholars who attend at least one site visit will be eligible to apply for the Impact Lab, (March - April 2018, Thursday evenings).

On Friday, December 8, 2-4pm join us for a visit to MyH2O, a social organization driving civic engagement and promoting rural water quality through a water testing network. Yenching Scholars and PKU students are invited to sign-up.
About MyH2O:

Pollution of drinking water is a serious issue in China, yet due to the lack of pollution visibility, it’s frequently neglected. Official figures show China has a serious water pollution problem: in 2014, the government reported that 60% of of the country’s underground water is contaminated. But these statistics don’t tell the whole story. In many places, testing isn’t done regularly and there’s a big demand for local information.
MyH2O seeks to tackle this problem. Through a nationwide water testing network of well-trained youths and an interactive information visualization platform, MyH2O gives the public easy access to water info and connects regions with water safety concerns to clean water solutions. ​With one of the first professional crowdsourcing networks on water quality, MyH2O also aims to prompt water risk awareness, increase information transparency, and motivate citizen solutions through independent reports of water quality.

In this site visit to MyH20's office, Founder Charlene Ren will share her vision for MyH20, as well as the challenges and opportunities she sees in the sector. We'll also do a few water quality tests so feel free to bring your own water samples.

(Read more in recent media reports from FastCompany and EchoingGreen)

Please note that spots in the tour are limited and priority will be given to Yenching scholars who express an interest in applying for the Impact Lab. Students are expected to go by themselves (about 30 min by metro Line 4 from PKU).
About the 2018 Impact Lab:
The Impact Lab is an immersive experiential leadership program for scholars learn and apply skills related to social impact, due diligence, crowdfunding, collective decision-making and more. Through curriculum delivered by guest speakers, practitioners and experts in the field, scholars will:
  • Learn firsthand how social entrepreneurs and non-profits are working to reduce inequality and promote inclusion;
  • Gain a strategic perspective on philanthropy and build skills to develop as socially-minded leaders;
  • Apply frameworks for conducting due diligence on social ventures;
  • Manage a real venture philanthropy fund
Since 2016, scholars in the PIM's annual Impact Lab at Yenching Academy have directed more than 70,000 RMB to grassroots social enterprises and non-profits in Beijing. Check out this video to learn about last year's Impact Lab at Yenching Academy. Questions? Contact Meg Rudy,
Impact Lab - Fall Site Visit Schedule:

Scholars who join at least one site visit will be invited to apply for the 2018 Impact Lab. Separate registration links will be sent for each visit.
  • Sat. November 25, 2-4pm: Easy Inclusion
    Changing how the public thinks and behaves with regards to disability

  • Fri. December 1, 12-4pm: Xixi Garden 
    Promoting sex and relationship education in migrant worker communities

  • Sat. December 2, 9:50am-1pm: Beijing Farmers' Market
    Raising the social status of Chinese farmers and promoting green agriculture

  • Fri. December 8, 2-4pm: myH20
    Driving civic engagement and promoting rural water quality through a water testing network 

        “A fantastic hands-on opportunity to develop skills outside the classroom, think critically about social impact, and make a tangible impact on real world problems.”
Yenching Academy Impact Lab Participant ‘16

“I really liked that I had hands-on experience. We didn't just learn about theories of change, crowdfunding, or evaluation--we did them ourselves! For a course that did not have that many class hours, we were able to accomplish so much. It was one of my most valuable educational experiences this year.” 
- Yenching Academy Impact Lab Participant '17


Zhongguancun South Street 方圆大厦商务楼2楼优客工场
Zhong Guan Cun Nan Da Jie
Beijing Shi, China

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