Event Details

The Phoenix Committee on Foreign Relations and Maricopa County Community Colleges will co-host a lunchtime program with Thomas Wotka, the Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus Unit Lead in the office of Eastern European Affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Mr. Wotka will discuss U.S. foreign policy in Eastern Europe, Russia's war against Ukraine, and his career in the foreign service. This program will serve as an excellent opportunity for students who are interested in international relations, languages, and public policy to learn more about the U.S. Department of State.

Lunch will be provided.


  • Thomas Wotka (Foreign Service Officer, Office of Eastern European Affairs at U.S. Department of State)

    Thomas Wotka

    Foreign Service Officer, Office of Eastern European Affairs at U.S. Department of State

    Tom leads the Ukraine (Econ), Belarus, and Moldova Unit within the office of Eastern European Affairs at the Department of State. Previously, Tom served as the Bureau’s lead on energy security in EUR/ERA. His overseas work includes tours as a political officer at the U.S. Mission to the Organization for Security Cooperation in Europe in Vienna, an economic officer at Embassy Kabul, a political officer at Embassy Phnom Penh, and a vice-consul in USCG Guadalajara.

    Prior to joining the Foreign Service in 2009, Tom worked in the investment banking and insurance industries, and was a Marine Corps infantry officer. Tom received an MBA from Washington University with a focus in finance, and Bachelor of Arts degrees in Political Science and English from Indiana University. He is married and has three boys.

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11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Registration and Lunch
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Speaker Program


Mesa Community College

Kirk Student Center - Navajo Room
1833 West Southern Avenue

Mesa, Arizona

If you have any questions please contact Samuel Richardson

Contact Organizer

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Parking: Please park in Lot V, but there are also visitor spaces in Lots A and C. See linked map for reference