Find out how to set up a F&B business in Cambodia. Get to know important information such as manpower developments, legal advice, market trends, consumer sending behavior, investment policies, opportunities and financial resources available for foreign SMEs.
Find out more about the trip, contact :
Grace Lim |
Thomas Chia |
RSVP by 22 June 2018
Highlights of the trip
Business exchange with leading Cambodia businessmen, including Members of Am-Cham, EuroCham, CCC, SCC etc.
Presentation by HBS Law, Cambodia Restaurant Association, Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, Cambodian Investment Board (CIB) of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) and Bank of Cambodia
Site visit to Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone of Cambodia, AEON Mall, Angkor Beer Factory and more!x`
Departure from Singapore Airport Terminal
Arrival on Phnon Penh and transfer to Himawari Hotel