Business Forum with SMEs, Fintech Discussion & Official Launching of Club Commercio Ibero-Filipino Unlocking potentials + Opportunities
Event Details The Philippine Investment Forum to Spain provides opportunities for Spanish and Filipino businesspeople to discuss bilateral trade and long-term investments. The focus will be on: Infrastructure/Construction (including water infra), Large Scale Agri-Business , and Energy . Leading Philippine Firms in these key industries/sector are invited to join this crucial forum.
The 3-day Program allows pre-scheduled meetings between Philippine and Spanish Firms who would like to discuss certain investments even before the actual event dates. After the plenary talks, there will be Business-to-Business (B2B) time allotted for everyone to have more time to network and discuss specific business proposals or projects.
To Register Online for Philippine Company:
To Register Online for Spanish Company:
For questions/clarifications related to the Investment Forum, kindly send an e-mail to:
Mr. Greg Mabbagu gr
Philippine Consulate General in Barcelona Rambla de Catalunya 33 Planta Principal 08007 Barcelona Barcelona , SpainShow on map
Agenda 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Registration/ Arrival at Philippine Consulate General in Barcelona
10:00 AM - 10:15 AM Welcome Remarks
Maria Theresa Lazaro Consul General at Consulate General of the Philippines, Barcelona 10:15 AM - 10:45 AM PH Economic Briefing with focus on SMEs
Bernardo Villegas Professor at the at University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) 10:45 AM - 11:00 AM Q&A / Panel of Reactors
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM The Philippine Fintech Advantage and Investment Opportunities
Chris Yuhico Head of Operations at Vinta Ventures Inc. 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM Q&A / Panel of Reactors
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Official Launching of Club Commercio Ibero-Filipino
Quintin Pastrana President at WEnergy Power Pilipinas 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Group Picture Taking and Networking
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch
Speakers Cesar Averia Jr. President & CEO of EDI - Staffbuilders International Inc. Guido Alfredo Delgado Chairman at GAA Delgado, Inc. Christian Eyde Moeller Co-Founder & CEO of Lionheart Farms Ivan Garcia Varas Manging Director in PH and Head of Business Development Southeast Asia at Elecnor Maria Theresa Lazaro Consul General at Consulate General of the Philippines, Barcelona Read Bio Raisa Mabayo Consul at Philippine Embassy in Madrid Diosdado Marasigan Founding Partner at ESCUDERO MARASIGAN VALLENTE & E.H. VILLAREAL (EMSAVVIL) Quintin Pastrana President at WEnergy Power Pilipinas Read Bio Bernardo Villegas Professor at the at University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) Chris Yuhico Head of Operations at Vinta Ventures Inc. Documents Invitation Letter to Spanish Firms - PH Investment Forum to Spain (2).pdf BROCHURE-Philippines Investment Forum to Spain (October 9-11, 2023) FINAL (1).pdf
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