This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Finland Australia Chamber of Commerce Inc. (FACC) events.

Event Details

Invitation to join FACC table on the 22.11.2023

The Finland Australia Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with over 20 chambers and business councils, is delighted to invite you to a Business Luncheon with the Hon. Don Farrell, MP. Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism on 22 November 2023 in Sydney.

The networking business luncheon, which includes an address by the Minister for Trade and Tourism, Senator Don Farrell, will provide an opportunity to deepen participants' understanding of the Australian Government's trade agenda.

When: 22 November 2023 at 12:00 pm โ€“ 2:30 pm (AEDT)

Where: Allianz Stadium. Driver Ave, Moore Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

The Luncheon is led by the Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Australia.

For more details about participation options & registration, please continue to:

Nov 22, 2023

12:00 - 14:30 GMT+11

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Allianz Stadium
Driver Avenue
Moore Park, New South Wales, Australia

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Members of participating Chamber - Tickets and Tables

* Tables (up to 10 ppl): $1,950 each

Ticket prices include GST.
Please note your membership will be confirmed with participating Chambers.
If you purchase a member ticket and are not an active member of a participating Chamber, your ticket will be invalid and participation in the event is not guaranteed.

NON-MEMBERS and Guests of Participating Chamber.

* Tables (up to 10 ppl): $2,400 each

Ticket prices include GST.

Event Sponsor

VIP networking opportunity, including:
* invite for two (2) representatives to join the VIP pre/lunch networking;
* one table of 10 for the lunch;
* one banner displayed in the venue;
* Sponsors logo on the event program and in the event slides

Ticket prices include GST.


Speaker and special guest

  • The Hon. Don Farrell (Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism at Australian Federal Government)

    The Hon. Don Farrell

    Federal Minister for Trade and Tourism at Australian Federal Government

    Read Bio

Don Farrell was born in Murray Bridge, South Australia, and is a fourth-generation South Australian.

While studying law at the University of Adelaide, he worked as a shop assistant and later joined the South Australian Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association, beginning a 32-year career working for the rights of retail and fast-food workers. Don led the union at the state and national level, overseeing the introduction of the 38-hour week and universal superannuation for retail workers.

He was elected to the Senate in 2008 and served as Minister for Science and Research, Minister for Sport, Minister Assisting on Tourism, and Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and Urban Water during his six-year term in the Rudd and Gillard governments.

Following his first term in the Senate, Don spent time tending his small vineyard in South Australia's Clare Valley wine region and knows firsthand the daily challenges faced by local growers and primary producers.

He was again nominated for the Senate and was re-elected in 2016, serving as the Shadow Special Minister of State, Shadow Minister for Sport and Tourism, Shadow Minister Assisting the Leader of the Opposition and Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate.

Following the election of the Albanese Government in 2022, Senator Farrell was appointed Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate.

As a proud South Australian, Senator Farrell is honoured to represent the people of his home state in the Federal Parliament. Senator Farrell lives in Adelaide with his wife Nimfa and enjoys spending time with his three daughters and doting on his grandchildren.
