The number of foreign workers in Indonesia has declined substantially over the last five years. Some specific sectors have had their numbers dessimated. Other sectors have had their growth expectations dashed by the inability to add more foreigners to the workplace.
From nationalistic policy, to trade association protectionism, to the vague explanation of the regulatory uncertainty and conflicts with process and law, everyone has an opinion to the forces at play.
Regardless, independent think-tanks and respected analysts are clear that the right foreign workers have added tremendous value to the economy in the past and have the potential to contribute greatly to the development of the nation and its workforce going forward.
By a Presidential directive, The Ministry of Manpower has now been charged with simplification of the process for businesses to legalise foreign workers. But, there seem to be many myths among all the truths about how streamlined the process has become. Minister Hanif is very keen for his ministry to establish a new level of collaboration with the private sector, to explain the latest regulations and to outline the operational processes for optimal effect.
Executive level members of BritCham and EuroCham are cordially invited to attend a breakfast with a keynote address from Minister Muhammad Hanif Dhakiri, immediately followed by an operational workshop by his team.