Event Details

FOEN25 - A Festival of Learning for Now and for the Future

#FOEN25 is an innovative and inclusive conference launched by WAB to share and discuss the innovative learning that is happening in schools now and inspiring schools to keep thinking about "what's next".

Hear from Dr. Marta Medved Krajnovice and the Leadership Team of WAB about the inspiration behind FOEN19, FOEN21, FOEN23, and FOEN25, the whys of theme selection, and how the conference emphasizes student agency. Discover how the discussions at FOEN25 could shape the current and future of learning in our schools.






Western Academy of Beijingโ€”From FOEN19 to FOEN25, we have tried to sustain conversations about innovative learning, teaching, and leading, and inspire community thinking about where education should be going. It's an inclusive conversation that welcomes all the voices that would like to be part of it.


  • Marta Medved Krajnovic (Head of School at Western Academy of Beijing)

    Marta Medved Krajnovic

    Head of School at Western Academy of Beijing


    With two decades of academic research and teaching experience and more than a decade in leadership and governance, Dr. Marta Medved Krajnovic has a deep understanding, passion, and appreciation for international education. Before joining WAB in 2018, Marta served as the Director of Stockholm International School for five years, and previous to that she worked at the University of Zagreb as Associate Professor and Director of the Post-graduate Doctoral Program in Applied Linguistics.

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