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Event Details


This conference offers an ideal opportunity for African Pension funds to share and exchange ideas on investment opportunities in Africa . The conference presents an avenue to delve deeper into the world of investment from the context of different markets in Africa with benchmark to the developing economies and trends.

The conference accords CEOs, investment executives, pension administrators, fund managers and other industry players a platform to articulate ways of maximizing investment potential in Africa through a solution driven approach. 

It is a chance for both the public and private sector as well as regulatory authorities from every corner of Africa to reinforce cordial investor relations among them. 



  1. To share knowledge and ideas on investment opportunities in Africa
  2. Articulate ways of maximizing investment potential in Africa through a solution driven approach. 
  3. To offer insights into the regulatory framework governing pension funds/schemes & investment in Africa 
  4. Allow African business leaders to learn best investment practices from each other
  5. Facilitate professional networking opportunities

This conference offers an ideal opportunity for African Pension funds to share and exchange ideas on investment opportunities in Africa . The conference presents an avenue to delve deeper into the world of investment from the context of different markets in Africa with benchmark to the developing economies and trends.

The conference accords CEOs, investment executives, pension administrators, fund managers and other industry players a platform to articulate ways of maximizing investment potential in Africa through a solution driven approach.

It is a chance for both the public and private sector as well as regulatory authorities from every corner of Africa to reinforce cordial investor relations among them.

Topics to be covered

  1. Leveraging alternative investment opportunities for growth of pension funds/schemes.
  2. Infrastructure development financing through government partnership with pension funds/schemes.
  3. Tapping into investment opportunities in the informal sector.
  4. The role of the regulatory framework in enhancing pension funds/schemes operations.
  5. The right strategies for effective corporate governance in pension schemes/funds in Africa.
  6. Mitigating the effects of inflation on pension funds/schemes for favourable annual returns.
  7. Optimizing digital technology and innovation in pension fund/schemes operations.
  8. Effective strategies for consolidating pension fund contributions from different employers.
  9. Key interventions for successful uptake of post-retirement medical funds.
  10. Top investment lessons post- Covid 19 period.
  11. Top emerging trends in administration of pension funds/schemes & investment.
  12. Future investment prospects for Africa.
  13. The Three Ps to a comprehensive approach of environmental, social, governance, risk and compliance (ESGRC) aspects from concept and investor and stakeholders'

Oct 25 - 28, 2022 GMT+3

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Mombasa, Mombasa County, Kenya
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Meet Our Conference Keynote Speakers
  • Geoffrey O. Odundo (Chief Executive at Nairobi Security Exchange PLC - NSE)

    Geoffrey O. Odundo

    Chief Executive at Nairobi Security Exchange PLC - NSE

    Read Bio
  • Vivien Witika (Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Napsa Staff Pension Scheme - Zambia)

    Vivien Witika

    Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Napsa Staff Pension Scheme - Zambia

    Read Bio
  • PM

    Paul T Mapasure

    Strategy, Risk Management, Governance, Compliance and ESG Specialist Consultant at Business Growth Incubation Centre

  • Ms Patricia Kiwanuka (Managing director & founder of Revenu Stream Limited - Kenya)

    Ms Patricia Kiwanuka

    Managing director & founder of Revenu Stream Limited - Kenya

    Read Bio
  • Oguche Agudah (Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Pension Funds & Operators Association - Nigeria)

    Oguche Agudah

    Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Pension Funds & Operators Association - Nigeria

    Read Bio
  • Joel Warutere (Economics, Finance & Investments Professional: Member at Association of Pension Trustees &Administrators of Kenya (APTAK))

    Joel Warutere

    Economics, Finance & Investments Professional: Member at Association of Pension Trustees &Administrators of Kenya (APTAK)

    Read Bio
  • Catherine P. Makala (Director-Pensions of Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF))

    Catherine P. Makala

    Director-Pensions of Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF)

    Read Bio
  • Timothy Oriedo (Founding Chief Data Scientist at Predictive Analytics Lab)

    Timothy Oriedo

    Founding Chief Data Scientist at Predictive Analytics Lab

    Read Bio


  • Day 1 (October 25, 2022)
    08:00 - 08:30Registration & Networking
    08:30 - 09:30Opening Remark & Introduction
    09:30 - 10:30TOPIC 1 (Joel Warutere - APTAK)
    Mitigating effects on inflation in pension schemes/funds & investments for favorable annual returns

    Joel Warutere

    Economics, Finance & Investments Professional: Member at Association of Pension Trustees &Administrators of Kenya (APTAK)

    10:30 - 10:45Tea Break
    (15 minutes) Tea Break
    10:45 - 11:45TOPIC 2 ( Hosea - Kilu CPF)
    The impact of mortgage regulations on pension schemes/funds & trustees
    11:45 - 12:00Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    12:00 - 13:00TOPIC 3 (Catherine P. Makala - ZAPF)
    Leveraging sustainable pension investment opportunities for growth of pension schemes/funds & trustees

    Catherine P. Makala

    Director-Pensions of Zambia Association of Pension Funds (ZAPF)

    13:00 - 13:30End of Day Closing Remarks
    (30 Minutes)
    13:30 - 14:30Lunch & Networking
    Day 2 (October 26, 2022)
    08:00 - 08:30Registration & Networking
    08:30 - 09:30Opening Remark & Introduction
    09:30 - 10:30TOPIC 5 (Geoffrey Odundo-NSE)
    Infrastructure development financing through government partnership with pension schemes/funds

    Geoffrey O. Odundo

    Chief Executive at Nairobi Security Exchange PLC - NSE

    10:30 - 10:45Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    10:45 - 11:45TOPIC 5 (Timothy Oriedo)
    Data analytics & investment

    Timothy Oriedo

    Founding Chief Data Scientist at Predictive Analytics Lab

    11:45 - 12:00Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    12:00 - 13:00TOPIC 7 (Patricia Kiwanuka-Kenya)
    Effective strategies for managing top pension risks

    Ms Patricia Kiwanuka

    Managing director & founder of Revenu Stream Limited - Kenya

    13:00 - 13:30End of Day Closing Remarks
    (30 Minutes)
    13:30 - 14:30Lunch & Networking
    Day 3 (October 27, 2022)
    08:00 - 08:30Registration & Networking
    08:30 - 09:30Opening Remark & Introduction
    09:30 - 10:30TOPIC 8 (Vivien Witika-Zambia)
    Key strategies for effective corporate governance of pension schemes/funds & trustees in Africa

    Vivien Witika

    Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Napsa Staff Pension Scheme - Zambia

    10:30 - 10:45Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    10:45 - 11:45TOPIC 9 (Patricia Kiwanuka-Kenya)
    Top investment lessons post-Covid 19/Russia-Ukraine conflict

    Ms Patricia Kiwanuka

    Managing director & founder of Revenu Stream Limited - Kenya

    11:45 - 12:00Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    12:00 - 13:00TOPIC 10 (Oguche Agudah-Nigeria)
    Top emerging trends in administration of pension schemes/funds & trustees

    Oguche Agudah

    Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Pension Funds & Operators Association - Nigeria

    13:00 - 13:30End of Day Closing Remarks
    (30 Minutes)
    13:30 - 14:30Lunch & Networking
    Day 4 (October 28, 2022)
    08:00 - 08:30Registration & Networking
    08:30 - 09:30Opening Remark & Introduction
    09:30 - 10:30TOPIC 11 (Dr. Michael Robbins-UK)
    The three Ps to a comprehensive approach of environmental, social, governance, risk and compliance (ESGRC) aspects from concept, investor and stakeholders'
    10:30 - 10:45Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    10:45 - 11:45TOPIC 12 (Oguche Agudah-Nigeria)
    Future investment prospects for Africa

    Oguche Agudah

    Chief Executive Officer - CEO of Pension Funds & Operators Association - Nigeria

    11:45 - 12:00Tea Break
    (15 Minutes) Tea Break
    12:00 - 13:00TOPIC 13 ( Dr. Michael Robbins-UK)
    Integrating ESGRC into an organization resilient management framework
    13:00 - 13:30End of Day Closing Remarks
    (30 Minutes)
    13:30 - 14:30Lunch & Networking


EarlyBird Booking - Kenyan Delegates

Early-Bird-Booking-Discount valid till 25th September2022 for Kenyan delegates

Late Booking AFTER 25th Sep 2022 - Kenyan Delegates

Book 1 Delegate AFTER 25th September 2022 - Kenyan Delegates


1 ticket = 3 Attendees @ $1390

EarlyBird Booking - International Delegates

Early-Bird-Booking-Discount valid till 25th September2022 for International delegates

Late Booking AFTER 25th Sep 2022 - International Delegates

Book 1 Delegate AFTER 25th September 2022 - International Delegates


Tax Settings: zero VAT for International Delegation

1 ticket = 3 Attendees @ $1390

Virtual Live Class

Virtual Class Attendance fee per Delegate


Full conference Agenda Download

Here is you Full conference Agenda Download for Internal Application

APTIC 2022 program__.pdf


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