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Save the dateApril 5, 20232:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)
Event Details
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This meeting is about women supporting each other in the automotive industry.

Welcome to AWiA: Amazing Women in Automotive!

Amazing Women in Automotive, AWiA, is a group of dedicated individuals working to build a community for women in the automotive industry. Our goal is to seek out and spark conversation, create awareness around the unique issues related to being a woman in this industry, and build and foster mentoring relationships within the automotive industry.

At AWiA, we work to open the conversation and create automotive mentorships for women, with women, about women, and for women. Our goal is to amplify the voices of women already in this industry and even spark conversation about how to increase gender parity in the workplace. By supporting women in the automotive industry through round tables and automotive mentorships, together, we can replenish the automotive workforce and strengthen our bonds!

At Amazing Women in Automotive, our mission is to support women, recruit women into the automotive workforce, and join forces with schools and government agencies to help place women in the automotive industry. If you are looking for a new skill, industry, or wish to support a female within the automotive industry, join our weekly round table or reach out by email to the team at Amazing Women in Automotive at, we want to hear from you!

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