Welcome to our 2022 Annual Conference! Last year we held a wonderful online conference and this year we are happy to present a conference in a hybrid format. The Kilby Laboratory School at the University of North Alabama will be the host and that is where all of the in-person activities will take place.
The Opening Ceremony, Keynote, workshops, business meeting, and other activities will be transmitted simultaneously through Zoom.
Conference registrants and attendees will visit the lion habitat and other places of interest at the University of North Alabama.
Attendees will register and participate in a welcoming reception at the Strickling Boiler Room and Pierce Hospitality Suite.
Dr. Eric Kirkman, UNA Lab Schools Director, will welcome all guests while they enjoy a continental breakfast.
Attendees will be able to tour Kilby and Florence City Early Childhood School.
Attendees will choose one from two concurring workshops: (1) Collaboration, Connection and Care: The Value of Support of Inter-University Partnerships [The Loft of the Guillot University Center], (2) Enrollment Impact Through Spanish Immersion [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Registrants attend a poster session or a workshop: (1) Poster Session: Building Community While Building a Garden (During Pandemic) [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Co-Teaching During a Pandemic [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Registrants will receive a welcoming message from the president of our host university.
Registrants will enjoy lunch while listening to the UNA Jazz Combo. A brief panel will follow.
Participants will take a break before the second session of workshops.
Attendees will select a workshop or poster session: (1) How to Make Teacher-Led Centers Work for You! [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Poster Session: Ungrading: Equity, Opportunity, and Individualization [Guillot Center Room 200]
Registrants will choose one of two workshops available: (1) Collaboration as a Key to Effective Teaching, Research, and Outreach During the COVID-19 Pandemic [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Bridging the Gap: Kindergarten Readiness in a Post-Pandemic World [The Guillot University Center Room 200]
Participants will attend one of two workshops available during this time: (1) Researching Pandemic Pedagogy in Puerto Rico [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Engaging Laboratory Students Through Campus Partnerships [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Participants select one of two workshops available: (1) Education and Pop Culture [The Loft of the University Guillot Center] (2) Collaborative Lab School Experiences to Support "Smalls and Talls" [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Participants take a tour of the Alabama Music Hall of Fame
The International Committee of IALS is delighted to open Friday April 8th at the 2022 IALS conference with a presentation to highlight the International partnerships that enrich the collaborative impact of Lab schools. Working in international partnership across borders is one of the strengths that IALS offers its members and celebrates today. We have invited 5 diverse partnerships to tell us more about how to begin, what are the challenges, where funding comes from, and what opportunities there are for all lab schools. Please join us to hear from leaders in these schools about strengthening lab school reach through international connections:
Kilby Lab School, University of Northern Alabama partners with China (Eric Kirkman and Chunsheng Zhang)
Caribbean Child Development Center, University of the West Indies connects to George Brown College in Toronto, Canada (Ceceile Minott and Collette Kane)
Falk Lab School, University of Pittsburgh/ The Children’s School, Carnegie Mellon University partners with Korea (Jill Sarada)
LabSchoolsEurope works collaboratively in Lab schools in Bielefeld, Germany; Cambridge, UK; Vienna, Austria; Brno, Czech Republic: and Paris, France (Timo Zenke)
Jackman ICS Lab School, University of Toronto and Japan (Richard Messina and Midori Sakurai) and
The School at Columbia, Columbia University, through its Teach 21 program connects to Turkey, China and Cuba ( Amani Reed and Kathryn Kaiser).
Please bring your questions, stories and hopes for collaboration to this participatory session. This session will be moderated by Elizabeth Morley, member of the board of directors and Principal Emerita of the Eric Jackman Institute on Child Study at the University of Toronto in Canada.
Attendees take a brief break before the last group of workshops.
Registrants select one of two workshops available during this time: (1) Faculty Collaboration and Pre-Service Teachers' STEAM Readiness [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Creating an Environment for Meaningful Educational Experiences Inspired by Children's Wonders, and the Research Behind It [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Attendees choose one of two workshops: (1) Differentiation Through Individualized, Trans-Curricular Learning Experiences: How to Make an IMPACT [The Loft of the Guillot University Center](2) How to Talk to Children to Foster Fulfilling Interpersonal Relationships of Adult Development and Self-Image [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Registrants attend one of two workshops: (1) Mutually Beneficial STEM Learning Experiences Between an Early Childhood Lab School and College Education Studies Courses [The Loft of the Guillot University Center] (2) Creating a Lab School in the Middle of a Conflict Zone: The Case in Iraq [Guillot University Center Room 200]
Registrants will enjoy lunch while IALS officials conduct a brief business meeting.
The conference rate for the hotel has expired, but they have agreed to offer it until next Tuesday, March 29, 2022. You must call on Monday or Tuesday between 8:00AM to 5:00PM CENTRAL and ask to speak to Vicki Atwood-Romine at 256-767-8282 EXT. 104. When you tell her that you are with IALS, she will honor the special conference rate. Let us know if we can assist you in any other way. See you at the conference!
We at the University of North Alabama and Kilby Laboratory School are committed to providing a safe and pleasant environment for all guests who visit our campus. As such, we continue to address the spread of COVID through mitigation efforts, which include encouraging the use of masks while indoors, hand sanitizing, and social distancing whenever possible. Conference attendees will be encouraged to wear face coverings during sessions when adequate social distancing is not possible. We will also have a color-coded lanyard system that will allow others to know your comfort level for social interactions. In the meantime, stay healthy, and we look forward to seeing you at the Conference!
IALS Opening Ceremony on Thursday, April 7, 2022 - 8:00 AM
Join through Zoom: https://una.zoom.us/j/96913701573?pwd=QVpNbHJCTkM0YmxJMVVyd3pJWE5Xdz09
Day 1—Thursday, April 7, 2022
All IALS Conference Breakout Sessions—located in the GUC Loft
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 923 4660 2491 Passcode: IALS2022
All IALS Conference Breakout Sessions—located in GUC 200
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 7525 7282 Passcode: IALS2022
Conference Connection Luncheon—Performance Center at GUC—12:00 PM US Central Time
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Meeting ID: 928 9963 7344 Passcode: IALS2022
Keynote Speaker —Alabama Music Hall of Fame
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Meeting ID: 952 2291 4811 Passcode: 430944
Day 2—Friday, April 8, 2022
International Partnerships—Performance Center at GUC—08:30 AM US Central Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 996 4001 2930 Passcode: IALS2022
All IALS Conference Breakout Sessions Day 2—located in GUC Loft
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Meeting ID: 926 9851 4953 Passcode: IALS2022
All IALS Conference Breakout Sessions Day 2—located in GUC 200
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Meeting ID: 985 1730 4784 Passcode: IALS2022
Closing Business and Kilby Panel Discussion —Performance Center at Gulliot University Center
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Meeting ID: 924 4430 3864 Passcode: IALS2022