Event Details

Some people live with anxiety prior to their diagnosis of dementia while others experience anxiety after their diagnosis. Either way, dementia and anxiety can coexist. This combination can further impact their behavior and how they interact with caregivers or other residents. During this presentation Chris will discuss how to identify anxiety, impacts of dementia and/or anxiety, and treatment options available. She will also provide helpful strategies for healthcare providers who work with residents who have dementia and anxiety.

For $10.00* โ€“ 1.0CE Credit will be awarded to Illinois nurses, social workers, professional counselors, and nursing home administrators.


12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Live Webinar Presentation
To receive 1.0 CE credit an evaluation form must be completed after the presentation and returned to events@elderwerks.org
052621 EVAL Petrik A&D.docxdownload
052621 EVAL Petrk A&D.pdfdownload


  • Chris Petrik, RN, BS (Training Specialist at Elderwerks)

    Chris Petrik, RN, BS

    Training Specialist at Elderwerks


    Chris has been In the health care field for over 30 years, with the last 10 years gerontology as a nurse educator. She is part of a local community college health career advisory board. Chris has been in health education for over 20 years.

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052621 EVAL Petrik A&D.docxdownload
052621 EVAL Petrk A&D.pdfdownload
052621 FLYER Anxiety & Dementia.pdfdownload


May 26, 2021 Anxiety and Dementia *Professional Ticket*

Webinar Presentation 12:00 PM

All professionals needing 1.0 CE CREDIT/CERTIFICATE Ticket

**To pay by credit card at a later date, please choose the "check" option when registering. This may be amended prior to the event to pay by credit card online.
*Access information will be emailed after payment has been made.

Standard Price $10