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Event Details


Asset-Liability Management


A bank's business model is straightforward: generate revenues from loans

and investments that are high enough to cover the interest costs paid to

depositors and fund providers while still earning shareholders a profit after

considering operating expenses and credit losses.

Sounds pretty simple, right?

In practice, the business of banking is a lot more complex, and at the heart

of it is the asset-liability management (ALM). This course discusses ALM's

central role within treasury in the banking context. This program aims to

consolidate the theories and practices of prudent balance sheet

management, with the overall objective of equipping banking professionals

with strong working knowledge to become better at what they do.


Participants should be able to:

  • Understand why ALM is important within the context of treasury in banking
  • Explain the various activities and processes of ALM
  • Discuss the key issues and areas of importance relevant to ALM


1. Controllership and Finance professionals

2. Risk management professionals

3. Treasury operations professionals

4. Internal audit professionals


The program outline are as follows:

A. Banking and treasury

B. Asset-liability management

C. Key areas and issues of importance in ALM

Resource Speaker:

Mr. James Patrick Bonus

Deputy Country Manager & Chief Finance Officer, Finscore


May 12, 2023 (Friday)

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Training Fee Per Participant

From Member Institution โ€“ P2,800.00

From Non-Member Institution โ€“ P3,920.00

**VAT Inclusive

May 12, 2023

09:00 - 16:00 GMT+8
