Jan 30, 2024
1706602800As a thought leader and respected authority on aviation safety and oversight; Captain Emmanuel Kalombe boasts a plethora of knowledge blending Air Force expertise and commercial piloting. He navigates the complexities of aviation law, air operator certification (AOC), and flight management with precision. As a seasoned technocrat, Captain Kalombe aspires to ensure the seamless integration of aviation services into the broader economy, fostering growth and safety through strategic engagement and the development of a robust national aviation policy. Join us as he shares insights and leadership in elevating the aviation industry to new heights.
Presenting at the upcoming Aviation Week Africa webinar is distinguished speaker Mr. Tonderai Mangombe, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in marketing and public relations in the Aviation sector. As the former Public Relations and Communications Manager at the Airports Company of Zimbabwe (ACZ) Tonderai’s role encompassed overseeing brand launches but most importantly attracting new airlines to Zimbabwe amongst other tasks. Tonderai shares insights on successful brand launches, event organization, and strategic airline attraction that transcends geographical boundaries.
Introducing Mr. Xavier Masule, an aviation industry veteran. Xavier boasts an impressive 24-year career spanning across pivotal roles in leadership and corporate finance teams with a focus on transformative projects in airline business process automation. As the current Group CFO at AirlinePros International, he spearheads global expansion, establishing a footprint in over 40 countries and servicing a client base of over 70 airlines worldwide. Join us for a captivating discussion with Xavier, as he unveils the secrets to navigating and thriving in the dynamic world of aviation.
Sharon is an aviation enthusiast turned marketing and brand strategist – with a rich background rooted in airline operations and management. Having previously served as the Secretary to the Board of Airlines Representatives and a flight crew member. Sharon’s extensive experience brings an insightful perspective to our discussions, offering a comprehensive understanding that effortlessly transcends industry boundaries. Join us as Sharon guides the panelists through enriching insights, seamlessly blending aviation passion with strategic marketing finesse.
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