Under the annual campaign : VOH Bett-Her Health ( an initiative to recognize International Women's Day). In collaboration with Novo Nordisk, we co-organize a virtual panel discussion on the subject "Post Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) : Associated Risk Factors & Management"
"PPH is the leading cause of maternal mortality in low-income countries & nearly primary cause of all maternal deaths globally."
(Source : WHO) WHO has also released a guideline for foundation to provide the implementation of interventions that re proven to effective in reducing the burden of PPH
According to FOGSI, PPH contributes 38% of all maternal deaths in India, most of these deaths occur within 4 hours of delivery. FOGSI states that PPH can occur in 5.8% of women in first pregnancy , and 4-5% in the second pregnancy .
To better explain PPGH, its common causes and associated risk factors and more importantly to help understand the ways to avoid it, we bring to you this discussion in collaboration with Novo Nordisk , where our leading experts and KOL's shall engage and discuss this further.