Event Details
Following the huge success of BritCham's plastic waste and waste to energy initiatives, we are proud and delighted to launch this NEW BRITCHAM ENVIRONMENTAL SERIES.
In the last 10 years the plastic trade and pollution has become one of the major environmental issues globally. Indonesia is a big culprit when it comes to waste and the environment. Or is it?
In this session, we welcome Yuyun Ismawati Drwiega, co-founder of Nexus3 Foundation and 2009 Goldman Environmental Prize awardee (click here for the video). Yuyun's work has been the subject of a BBC investigative report on waste and the environment in Indonesia. Yuyun will share her take on the current status of the plastic trade, pollution in Indonesia and in the region, and comment on Indonesia's plans and commitments to tackle this scourge of waste. Who are the organisations and companies driving behavioral change?