Event Details
This virtual session will review ethics requirements for engineers and planners based on the canons of ethics from the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP), in addition to the specific ethics laws of New Jersey.
*** NJDOT Members: Keep an eye out for a separate invite, as in-person seating will be available for NJDOT employees only. If you do not wish to attend in person, you may still register for the online portion here. ***
* NSPE Code of Ethics
* AICP Code of Ethics on Professional Conduct
* ITE Cannon of Ethics
* NJ Laws and Regulations
* Emerging Issues and Other Information
* Learning Assessment 1 / Q&A
* 15 Case Studies / Examples
* Learning Assessment 2 / Q&A
* 2021 Pignataro Award Winner Announcement
2021 Pignataro Award Winner Announcement
The winner of the 2021 Dr. Louis J. Pignataro Memorial Transportation Education Award will be presented to Abdelrahman Ismael, graduate Research Assistant (RA) at Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment (CITE) and at the VREF Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems.
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