Event Details

Luxembourg and Romania are linked through historical and close cultural ties, with business cooperation on continuously ascending trend. The opening of a direct route has been lobbied intensely by the local Romanian community, Romanian Embassy and equally by the large employers in Luxembourg and the business communities.

The direct air connection between Luxembourg and Bucharest is meant to bring about new opportunities. The objective of this webinar is to share and explore ideas and initiatives that will aim to harness the full potential of the new "air" link between our countries, cultures, business and people. The focus is now on making it durable, sustainable and lasting. Join us on 12th of February 2021 16h30 and share your thoughts.

Let's make it happen!

What does it mean for your company? Are you planning new holidays? What about a city trip or team-building? New in-flight advertising opportunities?


Pannel Guests:

Mr. Gilles Feith, CEO @ Luxair Group

Mr. Thomas Fischer, Commercial Director @ Luxair

Mr Vincenzo Manzella, Marketing Director @Luxair

Mr. Martin Jager, Head of E-Commerce and Sales @ Luxair & LuxairTours

Ms. Annelice Serban, Consul @ Embassy of Romania in Luxembourg

Ms. Crina Enita, President @ Association Luxembourg Roumanie

Mr. Alex Panican, Head of Partnership and Ecosystem @ the LHOFT #Fintech

Mr. Marcel Dinu, Vice President Vendor Management and Procurement @ SES

Mr. Alain Schodts, Executive Director BEROCC


Razvan-Petru RADU โ€“ President @ Romania Luxembourg Business Forum

Gabriel FLOREA โ€“ Board Member @ Romania Luxembourg Business Forum

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