Our general body meeting will take place in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 at 2:00pm ET at the Philadelphia Marriott Downtown (1200 Filbert St, Philadelphia, PA 19107) and and virtually via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 959 8285 8764
Passcode: 1976
At this meeting, our new executive board will be sharing highlights from the first six months, as well as setting the vision for future of the 2024-2027 term.
We will also be sharing information on the relaunch of our region and putting out a call for volunteers for committees.
In addition to the meeting, CBAA will be co-hosting a networking event with the Cornell Club of Philadelphia with invited guests from the UPenn Black Alumni Society. Join us for an evening of networking at the Morton Contemporary Gallery on Friday, February 21st which will be featuring the work of Philadelphia Black artists!
Officer Reports
New Initiatives
Member Price
Select this ticket if you are a dues-paying member of CBAA and attending the MEETING in person in Philadelphia, PA.
Standard Price
Select this ticket if you are attending virtually via Zoom, i.e. not attending in person.
The Zoom Link will be provided before the meeting.
Standard Price
Select this ticket if you are attending the MEETING in person in Philadelphia, PA, but not yet a member of CBAA.
VP for Scholarship & Fundraising at Cornell Black Alumni Association
More Information