Save the date
Save the dateApril 24, 20258:00 AM - 4:00 PM (EDT) Add to Calendar
Venue Location
Venue Location

Stono Ferry Links Course

4812 Stono Links Drive
Hollywood, South Carolina

Show on map

Gold Sponsor

Recognized in marketing sponsorship


Silver Sponsor

Recognized in social media & marketing


Beverage Cart Sponsor (Sold Out)

Recognized in social media & marketing


Company Tent Sponsor

Each company to provide their own tent, table & chairs


Company Banner Sponsor

Each company to provide their own pre-made company banner and CMCA will hang accordingly at the course.


Hole Sponsor

Sponsor recognition with company + logo at designated course hole

Event Details
Event Details

The CMCA Billy Hollifield Spring Golf Tourney is set for THURSDAY, April 24th, 2025 at 10am.

Registration opens at 8am with breakfast 8 - 9:45am.

Reminder!!! The field is limited to the first 144 players or 36 teams total so register quick!

The proceeds from this event are used to help support scholarships that are presented at CMCA Events and other waterfront events throughout the year.

Event Sponsorships, Hole Sponsorships and Door Prizes are needed and ALWAYS VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, if you can help with either OR BOTH please let myself or someone on the registration form know as soon as possible.

There are company BANNER sponsorships and TENT sponsorships available. It's a great way to get your company name & logo seen, or put a company representative out on the course networking directly with industry leaders.

Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners