Event Details

Welcome to the Computer Science (WOU) Spring PLC on April 24th, 2024. This event will allow you to engage with a knowledgeable group of peers and receive instruction from experienced professors in the field. We look forward to learning together!

Here is the Agenda!

For those attending virtually: https://wesd.zoom.us/j/95721873205?pwd=OEpyOFVPM0lFbCtOcE45enVQTVhQQT09


  • In Person

  • Virtual

10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
In Person
Please enter through the green doors. We will be upstairs on the 1st floor in the Polk Room. We will have staff members around to help you find where you need to go!


Computer Science Spring PLC Agenda.docx.pdfdownload


WESD - Polk Room

2611 Pringle RD SE
Salem, OR, Oregon

If you have any questions please contact Dan Morrow

Contact Organizer

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