Conceptualizing the Visual, A Graphic Novel Workshop with Random House Publishing Director Gina Gagliano Agent/Editor Event
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Save the date December 4, 2021 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Event Details Join Random House Graphic Novel Publishing Director, Gina Gagliano, for a webinar and optional critique! Graphic novels are a fun way to read – and also a complicated format to write in that involves thinking about both words and pictures (and about how they work together). How do you know if your project should be a graphic novel? How do you think about (and write about) art as a writer? This workshop starts with an overview of the graphic novel market today, followed by a discussion of the ins-and-outs of the format.
This Zoom webinar will be recorded and can be accessed for a short time after the event.
Gina Gagliano Graphic Publishing Director of Random House Graphic Gagliano is a longtime member of the staff of First Second Books, which is the graphic novel imprint of Macmillan Publishing. She is well known throughout the comics publishing community, and has designed programming for many comics festivals. Gagliano was most recently associate director, marketing and publicity at First Second and was among the imprint's original employees, joining the house in 2005 at its launch. When Random House Children’s Books launched Random House Graphic, Gina joined the new imprint as its publishing director.
Tickets Graphic Novel Workshop Join Gina Gagliano for an overview of the graphic novel market today, followed by the ins-and-outs of the format! Saturday, December 4th, 1-2:30pm This zoom webinar will be recorded and available for a short time following the event.
Member Price $36
Standard Price $45
Optional Critique (Sold Out) A critique by Gina Gagliano of a portion of your graphic novel dummy or manuscript.
Member Price $48
Standard Price $60
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