Consumer lawyers are needed to help the many low-income clients facing a wide assortment of consumer law matters who are unrepresented. Attend this program to learn the basics of consumer law so that you can competently represent a client in need and learn new advocacy skills.
Many of the consumer statutes allow for recovery of attorney fees, which provide significant incentives for lawyers willing to take a pro bono client's case. A faculty of outstanding consumer litigators from around the country will provide instruction on Introduction to Fair Credit Reporting Act, Overview of Restraints on Debt Collection, A Primer on Automobile Fraud, Representing the Unsecured Debtor, Mortgage Servicer Litigation, Assisting Student Loan Borrowers, Developing a Working Relationship with Legal Services Organizations.
This all-day seminar, which is co-hosted by the BCBA, NNJLS, and Law Zebra, will feature the following presenters:
Honorable Joseph Dickson, U.S.M.J. (Ret.)
Daniel M. Baczynski, Esq.
Edgar Espinosa, Esq.
Neil Fogarty, Esq.
Ron Fredrick, Esq.
Robert Murphy, Esq.
Philip D. Stern, Esq.
John Ukegbu, Esq.
The program will be moderated by Scott Borison and Yongmoon Kim.
This all-day seminar is approved for 7 NJ CLE credits.
9:00 am Program Overview and Introductions: Yongmoon Kim, Esq. & Edgar Espinosa, Esq. Synopsis of the applicable consumer protection statutes in assisting financially distressed individuals and families, and benefits of developing relationships with Legal Services Organizations.
9:15 am Primer on Federal Practice and Mediation. Judge Joseph Dickson USMJ (ret)
10:15 am Overview of Restraints on Debt Collection: Philip D. Stern, Esq. A comprehensive review of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act ("FDCPA") and state statutory authority. Subtopics will include the scope of the FDCPA and CFA's applicability to debt collection, and class actions.
11:15 am Networking Break
11:30 am Introduction to Fair Credit Reporting Act: John Ukegbu, Esq. and Scott Borison, Esq. An overview of the Fair Credit Reporting Act ("FCRA"), including its scope, common disputes, inaccuracy and impermissible claims, disputing inaccurate and obsolete credit information, and investigation and preparation of an FCRA claim.
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm A Primer on Automobile Fraud: Ron Frederick, Esq. & Robert Murphy, Esq. The basics on consumer representation of victims of automobile dealership fraud/misconduct, including review of dealer terminology and practices, common dealer sales and financing scams, use of Truth-in Lending Act ("TILA"), overview of odometer acts, and defending automobile deficiencies.
2:30 pm Representing the Unsecured Debtor: John Ukegbu, Esq. and Philip D. Stern, Esq. A review of the practice skills necessary in defending unsecured debt collection matters, including discovery and motion practice, common evidentiary problems, use of Fair Credit Billing Act, and an overview of trial, settlement, and mediation skills.
3:30 pm Consumer Bankruptcy 101: Neil Fogarty, Esq.: A review of bankruptcy relief available to consumer debtors, including Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.