Event Details

Who we are is a compilation of many things, including cultural and religious factors. These things become especially important at critical times in life, like health crises or the end of life. When caregivers are more aware, we can be more nurturing, responsive and caring to the whole person, beyond "symptoms". Come, learn and contribute to others' learning about how such things impact patients and families.

No fee to attend!

The CE fee for professionals is graciously being covered for attendees by Heartland Hospice.

Thank you Heartland Hospice and Ascension Cor Mariae for supporting Elderwerks Educational Services!


5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Live Webinar Presentation
For 1.0 Cultural Competence CE Credit - An evaluation form must be completed after the presentation and returned to Events@Elderwerks.org
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  • PL

    Pam Lojewski, MDiv

    Spiritual Care Coordinator at Heartland Hospice

    Rev. Pamela Lojewski is a Spiritual Care Coordinator who has worked with Heartland Hospice for 7 years. She previously served as Pastor to 2 ELCA Lutheran congregations in southwestern Wisconsin. She did some part time study and work as a chaplain at Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center in LaCrosse, WI as well. Her current role with hospice allows her to assist patients and families with cultural and spiritual needs related to end-of-life. Over the past 7 years she has encountered many different cultural and religious beliefs that our patients and families have, which has allowed her to expand her knowledge in cultural diversity. She has studied different cultural perceptions on death and dying to better prepare her for this role.

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100720 EVAL Lojewski.pdfdownload


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10/7/20 Cultural Considerations in Patient Care (Sold Out)

Webinar Presentation 5:30 PM

**Professionals Only**

Standard Price Complimentary