Central Virginia Community College
3506 Wards Rd, Merrit Hall 5118
Lynchburg, VA
Cyber security incidents happen everyday. Actors are looking for easy targets that will provide the most financial gain. The fall out is not just the loss of information and down time, but these incidents are damaging to your organizations reputation. The question is are you prepared and do you have a plan of action?
To protect your organization from external and internal attacks, you need to maintain a cyber security incident response and invest in training. It is critical that you set up an incident response plan (IRP) that will determine how the organization should respond when attacked. A good plan and policy will help your teams to react to the situation. Along with the plan, your C-Suite needs to understand how they will response to customers so that you do not lose brand equity.
We are excited to offer this Cyber Security Tabletop Workshop on the campus of Central Virginia Community College.
What is Cyber Incident Response Table Top Exercise?
An incident response tabletop exercise is an important form of organizational training about security incident preparedness, taking you through the process of conducting incident simulation scenarios and providing hands-on training that can surface flaws in your incident response planning.
Cyber security incident tabletop exercises are an essential part of an organizational training strategy when it comes to getting your team ready for an actual security incident. This workshop uses their real-word expertise to develop engaging, discussion-based tabletop exercises. These exercises are a valuable way to learn and evaluate existing security defenses, testing new procedures and establishing fundamental methods for training security personnel on evolving threats like ransomware and new defense tactics.
This is for CEO's to cyber professionals to better understand security and to improve your purview on detecting and responding to cybersecurity incidents faster.