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The UK's National Innovation Centre for Data (NICD) is hosting a Data, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability camp in Singapore, following the success of its Data Bootcamps in Newcastle.  The camp will be organised jointly with Newcastle University's Singapore campus and the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS). 

The camp will give UK and  Singaporean students the opportunity to work with businesses on real data and sustainability challenges under the guidance of experts from NICD and Faculty from Newcastle and SUSS.   

  • Learn data skills, apply them in groups to problems provided by Singapore businesses and present solutions. 
  • Participate in data, entrepreneurship and sustainability workshops by Newcastle and Singapore experts and businesses, including start-ups and innovation companies.
  • Visit Singapore businesses and sustainability ventures.
  • Participate in social and cultural events with Singapore students.
  • Participate in a language taster class. 




The Data, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability camp is based on ideas and methods developed by the National Innovation Centre for Data at Newcastle University over the past eight years. The structure creates an experiential learning environment where students will work to create solution hypotheses to real-world business problems and business leaders will act as validators for these ideas. Data skills are introduced as tools to explore solutions to the business problem, offering an introduction to the technical aspects of data that can be accessed without any prior technical knowledge. This format exposes participants to real-world business problems, enables them to learn the 'language' of business, introduces the skills required to explore data and promotes the benefits of using data as evidence to support business decision making.

Monday, June 10, 2024






Welcome Remarks

Welcome remarks by:
Prof Jonathan Gallloway, Provost & CEO, NUIS
Assoc Prof Ding Ding, Vice Dean, School of Business, SUSS











Tuesday, June 11, 2024






Data Camp - Day 1 (Problem and Customer)

The goal of today's session is to develop an understanding of the business problem, and definition of the customer.






Wednesday, June 12, 2024






Data Camp - Day 2 (Data)

The goal of today's sessions is understanding data and how data supports customer-centric solutions.






Friday, June 14, 2024






Data Camp - Day 3 (Ideation and Value)

The goal of today's session is about addressing the customers' needs and understanding how fit the product to the market.






Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024






Data Camp - Day 4 (Business Model and MVP)

The goal of today's sessions is understanding of the business model with focus on relationships and dependencies, and to select minimum viable product (MVP) out of a range of solutions.






Thursday, June 20, 2024






Data Camp - Day 5 (Communication)

The goals of today's sessions is for students to develop and present their narrative surrounding selected MVP. Students will receive feedback on results from problem owner.







  • Professor Barry Hodgson (Director of Strategy at UK National Innovation Centre for Data)

    Professor Barry Hodgson

    Director of Strategy at UK National Innovation Centre for Data

    More Information

  • Dr Paul Goodman (Innovation Lead and Data Scientist at UK National Innovation Centre for Data)

    Dr Paul Goodman

    Innovation Lead and Data Scientist at UK National Innovation Centre for Data

    More Information

  • Koo Sengmeng (Head of LearnAI at AI Singapore)

    Koo Sengmeng

    Head of LearnAI at AI Singapore

    More Information

  • Dr Carmen Lee (Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS))

    Dr Carmen Lee

    Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

    More Information

  • Dr Priyanka Gupta (Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics Programmes, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS))

    Dr Priyanka Gupta

    Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics Programmes, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

    More Information

  • Oh Chin Lock (Technical Advisor & Deputy Centre Director of ASEAN Applied Research Centre)

    Oh Chin Lock

    Technical Advisor & Deputy Centre Director of ASEAN Applied Research Centre

    More Information

  • Dr Jess Tan (Senior Faculty Lecturer, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS))

    Dr Jess Tan

    Senior Faculty Lecturer, School of Business at Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS)

    More Information


Newcastle UK students, please register your interest in the camp with the University International Office HERE.

Singapore students, please use the reserve ticket button below to register:


The Data, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability camp is for international students and will be held in Singapore. It will be delivered by the UK National Innovation Centre for Data, Newcastle University and the Singapore University of Social Sciences. Students will learn about businesses in Singapore and will work on challenges using real business data under the supervision of data experts from the UK and Singapore. The programme will also include student exchange and cultural activities.

Key Features for Students

  • Accelerate Your Career: Gain in-demand skills in data, entrepreneurship and sustainability. 
  • Experiential and Hand-on Learning: Dive into real-world data problems and case studies. 
  • Expert Instruction: Learn from highly experienced data scientists and industry professionals. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with peers, mentors, and industry players. 
  • Cutting-edge Tools: Utilise the latest software, technologies, and business practices.
  • Visit businesses in Singapore and hear from some leading start-ups. 
  • Experience Singapore culture and interact with international students. 

Who Should Attend 

  • Students interested in data science or entrepreneurship.
  • Aspiring student entrepreneurs looking to leverage data for business growth. 
  • Anyone with a passion for innovation and learning!

Destination Singapore

  • Singapore is an ultra-modern city-state with a highly advanced economy which is becoming a centre for data storage and processing in Asia.
  • Singapore is a major technological hub and a global centre for business, which makes demand for data analytics services to continue rising - demand for such services hit SG$37 billion in 2022. 
  • Tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon have chosen Singapore as their data storage location - Facebook alone is investing SG$1.4 billion in a 170,000sqm building in Singapore, which is believed to be the world's largest data centre under one roof.
  • Singapore was listed as one of the top 10 startup ecosystems in the world for the first time by Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2023 - it was ranked 2nd highest in Asia after Beijing in 2023.
  • Singapore is home to around 4,000 tech startups, including 18 unicorns, more than 220 incubators and accelerators, over 400 venture capital managers, and an estimated 700 family offices. 
  • Singapore is UK's major trading partner in Asia - the UK-Singapore trade is already worth over £17 billion (S$27.3 billion) per year, and it is still growing.
  • UK tech companies are making inroads into Singapore since the signing of the landmark UK-Singapore Digital Economy Agreement (DEA) in 2022, which establishes digital trade rules and digital economy collaborations between both nations.

Skills Development

Students will learn a variety of data and business skills


UK Students


Flights: self-booking

Accommodation estimates (13 nights): £1570 (single), £785 (shared) subject to exchange rates with recommended providers.

Programme fee (including lunch and light refreshments during weekdays): £450 (including local taxes).

Subsistence and other associated living costs in Singapore outside of Summer Camp activities.

Payment made here.

Singapore Students


Programme fee: SG$350 (inclusive of GST)

For payment please click


The UK National Innovation Centre for Data (NICD) is hosting a Data, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability camp in Singapore, following the success of these camps in the UK. This experiential learning opportunity will introduce international students to innovation methods and tools that explore how to create products and services that customers want. Students will gain all-important problem-solving and business skills, and learn how to explore data in order to gain business insight. The camp will work with Singaporean businesses to offer guidance from subject matter experts and industry leaders.

We are inviting employers to put forward a real world business problem that exists within their organisations for which they are seeking a solution - for example, how to improve customer service, reduce operational costs or  reduce carbon footprint. The problem must be accompanied by a relevant data set that could enable students to gain some insight that may support a possible solution.

The problem will be presented as a challenge to groups of students from Newcastle University UK and the Singapore University of Social Sciences.  Guided by data science experts from the UK and Singapore, the students will work on the problem during the camp and present a solution as an outcome. 


  • Fresh and creative thinking over a week to analyse to your business problem.
  • Presentation of solutions.
  • Access to a talent pipeline of future graduates.
  • New insights and ideas for your business and employees.
  • No participation fee.


  • A live problem, supporting dataset (e.g. Excel or CSV formats) and a desired outcome.
  • An employee to provide 'domain expert' context and support for 1-2 hours per day during the camp (in-person or online).
  • Availability of at least one employee to participate in-person in the presentations of solutions.

