Venue Location Elderwerks Educational Services
251 East Northwest Highway Palatine, Illinois
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Home This program is designed to meet IDPH guidelines for Alzheimer's Disease Services Curriculum and more!
At the end this training you may take the Dementia Care Specialist Certification Exam at no charge.
8.0 CE Credits will be awarded to nurses, social workers, professional counselors and nursing home administrators. Other professions, please contact Elderwerks to inquire.
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
and Breakfast
and Breakfast 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Training Training Trainging time includes breaks and lunch
Speakers CP
Chris Petrik Training Specialist at Elderwerks CP Chris has been In the health care field for over 30 years, with the last 10 years gerontology as a nurse educator. She is part of a local community college health career advisory board. Chris has been in health education for over 20 years.
Tickets Dementia Training 12/17/19 Elderwerks, 251 E. NW Hwy, Palatine 8.0 CE credits available to nurses, social workers, professional counselors and nursing home administrators.
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