An intensive workshop offering delegates the opportunity to develop their skills in differentiating between the different classes of derivatives. The workshop will identify the different participants and their role in the derivative markets. Both the over-the-counter and exchange-traded markets will be explained. A clear understanding will be given of derivative contracts' characteristics, pricing, application, settlement and risks.

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Day 1

André Kurten

The development of the market in South Africa

The history of the market and the current market offering
The regulation of exchange traded and over-the-counter derivatives
Participants in the derivative markets

Hedgers – how derivatives are used to hedge underlying asset and liability price risk
Speculators – what distinguishes a speculator from a hedger
Arbitrageurs – trading to take advantage of mispricing of financial instruments
Distinguishing between forward contracts, futures and options

Linear derivative contracts
Non-linear contracts
The Over-the-Counter Market

Forward Rate Agreements – FRAs
Contracts’ characteristics, pricing, revaluation and settlement
Interest Rate Swaps – IRSs
Contracts’ characteristics, pricing, revaluation and settlement
Forward Exchange Contracts – FECs
Contracts’ characteristics, pricing, revaluation and settlement
Cross Currency Swaps
Contracts’ characteristics, pricing, revaluation and settlement
The use of documentation in OTC markets’ – ISDA
The risks in the OTC Market instruments






Day 2

André Kurten

Exchange traded Market

The mechanics of the exchange traded market – a futures exchange
Dealing, margins, and marking to market
Equity futures
Index futures pricing and applications
Single stock futures pricing and applications
Commodity futures
Grain and oil seed futures pricing and applications
Interest rate futures
JIBAR futures pricing and applications
Currency futures
Foreign exchange futures pricing and applications
Options on futures pricing and applications
The risks in the exchange traded markets
Options Market

Option contracts’ characteristics and pricing principles
Calls and Puts
Option valuation
Writing Options and buying options
Volatility and directional trading using options
The Option Greeks
The risks in the Options Market
Credit Derivatives

The basic credit derivative structures
Credit events
The risks in the credit derivative markets
The workshop summary



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