FINEX Academy

FINEX serves as the country’s highest organization of senior finance professionals. Our membership consists of more than 700 C-level or equivalent executives, including the CEOs and CFOs of top corporations, academic institutions, and start-ups and emergent businesses. It is affiliated and one of the founding members of the International Association of Financial Executives Institutes (IAFEI).

Contact us

Sarah Hazel Parapara

Registration will close October 16, 2025 at

Course Outline

  • Module 1 - Digital Transformation, Governance, and Technology Strategy
  • Module 2 - Innovation and Value Management
  • Module 3 - Enterprise Risk Management - Navigating Risks and Opportunities during Digital Transformation
  • Module 4 - Business Continuity Management
  • Module 5 - Digital Transformation Execution
  • Module 6 - Program Risk Management (PRM) - Driving Transformational Program Success


2nd Digital Transformation program

June 27 to July 25

(inclusive of program materials, orientation, and graduation)

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ25,000

3rd Digital Transformation Program

October 17 to November 21

(inclusive of program materials, orientation, and graduation)

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ25,000

Sponsors and Partners

Contact Us

Sarah Hazel Parapara