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"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world," said Nelson Mandela.

Are you interested in learning how technology can make learning more effective and meaningful and how you can do good and do well with edtech ventures?

This webinar is the third of a series of edtech ventures events organized by Esperanza and Cyberport. Leading international and local experts will deep dive into the following aspects of edtech ventures:

  • What makes an effective and meaningful edtech solution?
  • What are the business and funding models for edtech startups?
  • How can mainstream investors, family offices, foundations, NGOs and business professionals get involved in edtech ventures?
  • How to validate and measure the impact of an edtech solution?
  • Cross-sector and cross-border partnerships

Three award winning edtech startups from Israel and the UK will present their solutions. They are looking for funders, market entry and localisaton partners and pilot opportunities in their market expansion to China and Asia.

Participants will have an opportunity to network with the webinar speakers, organisers and supporting organisation representatives after the webinar (1230 - 1330).

Jan 28, 2021

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM GMT+8

Do Good and Do Well

What is Edtech?

Education Technology (EdTech) covers a wide spectrum of software, hardware and digital solutions that help deliver and manage learning in a more effective and efficient way, from early childhood education to corporate and lifelong learning. With recent advancements in mobile technologies, AI, data analytics, reality technologies, Internet of Things, robotics etc, EdTech will play an increasingly important role in enabling, motivating, empowering, customizing and democratising learning.

Do Good and Do Well with Edtech Ventures

The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in the education sector. Investors are warming up to the opportunities in the edtech market. HolonIQ, a leading global edtech intelligence platform, expects the global education and training market to reach USD7.3 trillion in total expenditures by 2025. China made up 52% of the last decade's edtech VC funding, followed by the US at 33%. 

The allure of edtech investment should not stop with mainstream investors looking for financial returns. Impact investing is experiencing phenomenal growth, driven to a large degree by the increasing number of investors who want their investments to align with their personal values, particularly millennials who want their investments portfolios to be a statement of who they are and what they stand for.

Greentech represents a significant portion of impact investors' portfolio, but edtech is so far an largely unexplored territory. With edtech's potential for delivering market rate returns as well as creating enormous social value by transforming our outdated education system, visionaries in this field are beginning to look into the opportunities in this field. 



  • Philo Alto (Founder and CEO of Asia Value Advisors (AVA))

    Philo Alto

    Founder and CEO of Asia Value Advisors (AVA)

    Read Bio
  • Karena Belin (Co-founder of WHub & AngelHub)

    Karena Belin

    Co-founder of WHub & AngelHub

    Read Bio
  • Rachel Chan (Co founder of Esperanza)

    Rachel Chan

    Co founder of Esperanza

    Read Bio
  • Daniel Cheng (Chief Investment Officer at BlueTop Group)

    Daniel Cheng

    Chief Investment Officer at BlueTop Group

    Read Bio
  • K O Chia (Family Office Advisor & Venture Capitalist)

    K O Chia

    Family Office Advisor & Venture Capitalist

    Read Bio
  • Alessandro Di Lullo (Co-Founder of SuperCharger Ventures)

    Alessandro Di Lullo

    Co-Founder of SuperCharger Ventures

    Read Bio
  • John Duong (Founder and CEO of Kind Capital  Discussant)

    John Duong

    Founder and CEO of Kind Capital Discussant

    Read Bio
  • Kamran Elahian (Chairman and Founder of Global Innovation Catalyst)

    Kamran Elahian

    Chairman and Founder of Global Innovation Catalyst

    Read Bio
  • Joseph Fung (Managing Partner at Saltagen Ventures)

    Joseph Fung

    Managing Partner at Saltagen Ventures

    Read Bio
  • Matt Greenfield (Managing Partner at Rethink Education)

    Matt Greenfield

    Managing Partner at Rethink Education

    Read Bio
  • Leonie Kelly (Director, Head of ESG and Impact Advisory at Ogier Global)

    Leonie Kelly

    Director, Head of ESG and Impact Advisory at Ogier Global

    Read Bio
  • Prof Irwin King (Director of of the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE), CUHK)

    Prof Irwin King

    Director of of the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE), CUHK

    Read Bio
  • Yaarit Levy (VP Business Development and Sales at CoderZ Technology Ltd.)

    Yaarit Levy

    VP Business Development and Sales at CoderZ Technology Ltd.

    Read Bio
  • Kai Liang (Director of Business Development at MEL Science)

    Kai Liang

    Director of Business Development at MEL Science

    Read Bio
  • Anita Ma (Chairperson at Playright)

    Anita Ma

    Chairperson at Playright

    Read Bio
  • Colin Mansell (CEO of Skills Union / GlobalU)

    Colin Mansell

    CEO of Skills Union / GlobalU

    Read Bio
  • Bill Ning (Founding Partner at Blue Elephant Capital)

    Bill Ning

    Founding Partner at Blue Elephant Capital

    Read Bio
  • Jessica Rothenberg-Aalami (CEO & Co-Founder of Cell-Ed)

    Jessica Rothenberg-Aalami

    CEO & Co-Founder of Cell-Ed

    Read Bio
  • Prof Gloria Tam (Associate Dean at Minerva Project)

    Prof Gloria Tam

    Associate Dean at Minerva Project

    Read Bio
  • Conrad Tsang (Founder and Chairman of Strategic Year Holdings)

    Conrad Tsang

    Founder and Chairman of Strategic Year Holdings

    Read Bio
  • John Tsang (Founder of Esperanza)

    John Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza

    Read Bio
  • Ming Wong (Vice President, Government Relations and Strategic Partnerships at Enuma)

    Ming Wong

    Vice President, Government Relations and Strategic Partnerships at Enuma

    Read Bio
  • Peter Yan (CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management  Company)

    Peter Yan

    CEO of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company

    Read Bio
  • Vincent Yip (CEO of K11 Cultural Enterprise)

    Vincent Yip

    CEO of K11 Cultural Enterprise

    Read Bio
  • Katy Yung (Managing Partner at Sustainable Finance Initiative)

    Katy Yung

    Managing Partner at Sustainable Finance Initiative

    Read Bio
  • Dr Amir Zarkesh (CEO and Co-Founder of PolyUp)

    Dr Amir Zarkesh

    CEO and Co-Founder of PolyUp

    Read Bio
  • Furuzonfar Zehni (Partner at Fresco Capital)

    Furuzonfar Zehni

    Partner at Fresco Capital

    Read Bio
  • Roy Zur (Founder & CEO of Cybint Solutions)

    Roy Zur

    Founder & CEO of Cybint Solutions

    Read Bio


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Admission with post-webinar networking

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HKD 150
Admission with post-webinar networking (Esperanza member)

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