躲避盤初階訓練證書課程 Dodge Disc Elementary Training Course

課程内容 Course Summary:


Techniques for throwing, catching, cutting, and game rules of dodge disc.

費用 Fee: $100/ 4 classes

對象 Target: 6 years old or above 6歲或以上

名額 Quota: 30 pcs

現正接受報名 Admitting Now

Course Code 課程編號:DDE2405

Date 日期:2,9,16,23/10/2024

Time 時間:2100-2300

Location 地點:Island East Sports Centre 港島東體育館

(52 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong 香港西灣河鯉景道52號)

Course Code 課程編號:DDE2406

Date 日期:8/11, 15/11, 22/11, 29/11/2024

Time 時間:18:00-20:00

Location 地點:Lung Sum Avenue Sports Centre 龍琛路體育館

(155 Jockey Club Road, Sheung Shui, New Territories. 新界上水馬會道155號)

Course Code 課程編號:DDE2404 (已取消)

Date 日期:4,18,25/10, 1/11/2024

Time 時間:1800-2000

Location 地點:Fu Heng Sports Centre 富亨體育館

(1/F, Fu Heng Shopping Centre, Fu Heng Estate, Tai Po. 大埔富亨邨商場一樓富亨體育館)

繳費方式 Payment Method:

1.Bank Transfer 銀行轉帳

Name 帳戶名稱:Flying Disc Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited 中國香港飛盤總會有限公司

(DBS Bank 香港星展銀行)

Account No. 戶口號碼:016-478-001655861


After completing the payment, please upload the payment proof to the designated payment proof section. When utilizing bank transfers or PayMe, it is imperative to allow time for our staff to verify the payment record before updating the payment status in the backend system.

2.Credit Card 信用卡 (透過此註冊連結 via this sign up link)

*重要事項Important Notes*

參加者費用不可退還。 如果活動取消,中國香港飛盤總會將全額退款。

Participation fees are non-refundable. If the event is cancelled, the HKFDF will provide a full refund.

如有任何問題請whatsapp 3188 4214 與本會聯絡。For any questions, please contact us via WhatsApp at 3188 4214.

Whatsapp Us: https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85231884214

【已截止報名 Closed】

課程編號 Course code: DDE2401

日期 Date:9, 16, 23, 30/8/2024

時間 Time:1800-2000

地點 Venue:富亨體育館 Fu Heng Sports Centre

課程編號 Course code: DDE2402

日期 Date:9, 16, 23, 30/8/2024

時間 Time:1800-2000

地點 Venue:港島東體育館 Island East Sports Centre

課程編號 Course code: DDE2403

日期 Date:6, 13, 20, 27/9/2024

時間 Time:1800-2000

地點 Venue:龍琛路體育館 Lung Sum Avenue Sports Centre

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