躲避盤初階訓練班 Dodge Disc Elementary Training Course
⭐ 有興趣參加之人士可選擇 DDE2201 (富亨體育館 ) 或 DDE2202 (鴨脷洲體育館)
Those who are interested in participating can choose DDE2201 (Fu Heng Sports Centre ) or DDE2202 (Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre)
課程内容 Course Summary:
Techniques for throwing, catching, cutting, vertical stacking, horizontal stacking, and game rules of dodge disc.
課程編號 Course code: DDE2201
日期 Date: 21/12/2022, 4,11,18/1/2023, 1,8,15,22/2/2023, 1,8,15,22/3/2023 (Every Wednesday)
地點 Venue:
富亨體育館 Fu Heng Sports Centre
費用 Fee:
$100/ 12 classes
對象 Target:
6 years old or above 6歲以上
課程編號 Course code: DDE2202
日期 Date:
14,21,28/12/2022, 4,11,18/1/2023, 1,8,15,22/2/2023, 1,8/3/2022 (Every Wednesday)
時間 Time:
地點 Venue:
Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre
費用 Fee:
$100/ 12 classes
對象 Target:
6 years old or above 6歲以上
Participants MUST complete the 12 days classes to receive course certificate. Participants will receive a dodge disc upon completion.
Payment is only accepted via credit card. Please contact us if you cannot pay with a credit card.
Please note the following point:
課程編號 Course code: DDE2201
日期 Date:
21/12/2022, 4,11,18/1/2023, 1,8,15,22/2/2023, 1,8,15,22/3/2023 (Every Wednesday)
時間 Time:
地點 Venue:
富亨體育館 Fu Heng Sports Centre
費用 Fee:
$100/ 12 classes
課程編號 Course code: DDE2202
日期 Date:
14,21,28/12/2022, 4,11,18/1/2023, 1,8,15,22/2/20231,8/3/2022 (Every Wednesday)
時間 Time:
地點 Venue:
鴨脷洲體育館 Ap Lei Chau Sports Centre
費用 Fee:
$100/ 12 classes