2023 Dodge Disc League
2023 躲避盤聯賽
Date 日期:
21/11, 23/11, 28/11, 30/11, 5/12, 14/12/2023, 2/1, 4/1, 9/1, 11/1, 16/1/2024
Time 時問:
Venue 地點:
Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre 長沙灣體育館
Kowloon Bay Sports Centre 九龍灣體育館
Please refer to Big Board for more information. 詳情請參閱Big Board: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wChnBQVikqbwDL-BqoJDQU3JkS5bVC0CWIgOi1U-1UU/edit?usp=drive_link
Team Fee 報名費用:
Payment Method 付款方式:
1.Credit card (through glue up)
2.Bank transfer (please upload the payment record to the glue up online application form)
Bank account 銀行戶口︰(DBS Bank 香港星展銀行) 016-478-001655861
Account name 戶口名稱(及支票抬頭):中國香港飛盤總會有限公司 Flying Disc Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited
Team Composition:
⚠️ All fees are non-refundable. HKFDF will provide a full refund within 14 business days, if during the registration process, it is decided the event does not have enough participants needed to proceed.
⚠️ 所有已繳付之費用不設退款。若因活動報名人數不足,而需要取消該活動,全部款項將會於14個工作天内自動退回予付款帳戶內。
Date: 21/11, 23/11, 28/11, 30/11, 5/12, 7/12, 14/12/2023, 2/1, 9/1, 16/1, 23/1/2024
Time: 2100-2300
Venue: Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre, Kowloon Bay Sports Centre (詳情請參閱章程及Big Board)
Team Fee: $800/team