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2023 Dodge Disc League

2023 躲避盤聯賽

Date 日期:

21/11, 23/11, 28/11, 30/11, 5/12, 14/12/2023, 2/1, 4/1, 9/1, 11/1, 16/1/2024

Time 時問:


Venue 地點:

Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre 長沙灣體育館

Kowloon Bay Sports Centre 九龍灣體育館

Please refer to Big Board for more information. 詳情請參閱Big Board: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wChnBQVikqbwDL-BqoJDQU3JkS5bVC0CWIgOi1U-1UU/edit?usp=drive_link

Team Fee 報名費用:


Payment Method 付款方式:

1.Credit card (through glue up)

2.Bank transfer (please upload the payment record to the glue up online application form)

Bank account 銀行戶口︰(DBS Bank 香港星展銀行) 016-478-001655861

Account name 戶口名稱(及支票抬頭):中國香港飛盤總會有限公司 Flying Disc Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited


  • 每隊限報隊員 20 名,參賽者只准代表一隊參賽,每位教練只可執教一隊。
  • 參賽者正選為 10 人,其餘為後備。
  • 領隊須確保18歲或以下之隊員已取得父母或監護人同意參與比賽
  • 每隊最多可報名6名2022年至2024年期間入選香港代表隊且年滿16歲或以上的成員。 對於 16 歲以下的隊員,則沒有任何限制。
  • 每隊場上男女各不得少於三人。

Team Composition:

  • Each team is limited to 20 registered members, and participants are only allowed to represent one team. Each coach can only coach one team.
  • The starting lineup consists of 10 players, while the rest are substitute players.
  • The team leader must ensure that team members who are 18 years old or younger have obtained parental or guardian consent to participate in the competition.
  • Each team can register a maximum of 6 members who have been selected for the Hong Kong representative team between 2022 and 2024, who are 16 years old or above. There are no restrictions for team members under 16 years old.
  • Each team must have a minimum of three male and three female players on the field.

⚠️ All fees are non-refundable. HKFDF will provide a full refund within 14 business days, if during the registration process, it is decided the event does not have enough participants needed to proceed.

⚠️ 所有已繳付之費用不設退款。若因活動報名人數不足,而需要取消該活動,全部款項將會於14個工作天内自動退回予付款帳戶內。


  • Dodge Disc League 躲避盤聯賽

    港幣 800.-

    Date: 21/11, 23/11, 28/11, 30/11, 5/12, 7/12, 14/12/2023, 2/1, 9/1, 16/1, 23/1/2024
    Time: 2100-2300
    Venue: Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre, Kowloon Bay Sports Centre (詳情請參閱章程及Big Board)
    Team Fee: $800/team
