This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other HERA Women events.

Join us for a complimentary online workshop to experience Hera Women.

Here's your chance experience first hand the power and difference Hera Women can make in your personal and business life.

Join us on Wednesday 6 March 2024 for a complimentary 60 minute interactive online workshop that promises to empower, inspire and motivate you to build a highly profitable and healthy business.

Here's what to expect:

  • An interactive workshop: Get ready for an inspiring workshop that encourages participation, discussions, and hands on exercises.
  • Celebrate your success: no matter how big or small and use them as stepping stones to reach new milestones.
  • Proven Leadership Tools : Discover proven leaderships tools that will help you create a business that is highly profitable and healthy.


"A lot of the groups in the marketplace do seem to be a lot of talk, but not a lot of practical application to an individual's context.

Hera offers something really different: practical tools, skill formation and accountability with peers at similar stages of business"

Rachel Golding| Founder, Dinner on the Table

About Hera Women

Founded by Pamela Cominos. Hera Women is an organization run by women in business, for women in business to help them achieve, highly profitable and healthy businesses, so they can live with freedom in all areas of their lives.


  • General Women in Business Ticket


    This event is for Women in Business who are not current Hera Women Members.

    You are a woman who owns or co-owns her business.

    Attendees MUST have a current ABN.

    Reserve Ticket