Event Details

We are excited to see you for the Economics Spring PLC. We'll be in room 120. We'll be working together to brainstorm and build out engaging activities focused on the Federal Reserve. Administrative updates includeโ€ฆ how to enter grades and an overview of how students can order their transcripts.

Here is the agenda!

For those attending Virtually: https://oregontechonline.zoom.us/j/99076345307?pwd=NUV4S1hGSkkyMysyOWhqU1N0c3BIUT09&from=addon


9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
In Person


ECO 202 Spring PLC Agenda.docxdownload


Oregon Tech - room 120

27500 SW Parkway Ave
Wilsonville, Oregon

If you have any questions please contact Dan Morrow

Contact Organizer

Show on map

We will be in room 122