Event Details

Join us at the Education (WOU) Winter PLC for a day of learning and collaboration! This event will be held on January 26th, 2024, at the WESD - Casalegno room. Our top-notch instructor will guide you through various topics and provide the necessary tools to succeed. Don't miss out on this excellent opportunity to build upon your knowledge.

Please click here to see the agenda.

For those attending virtually: https://wesd.zoom.us/j/96381297389?pwd=TXlMdDRjRERsaTFsUXZ2SkFwWjBSQT09


  • In Person

  • Virtual

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Education 200
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch break, lunch not provided
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Education 220


ED 200:220 Winter PLC Agenda.docx.pdfdownload


WESD - Casalegno Room

2611 Pringle RD SE
Salem, OR, Oregon

If you have any questions please contact Dan Morrow

Contact Organizer

Show on map

Please enter through the blue doors. We will be upstairs on the 2nd floor in the Casalegno Room. We will have staff members around to help you find where you need to go!