初級極限飛盤訓練課程 Elementary Ultimate Training Course 2024
課程内容 Course Summary:
Techniques for throwing, catching, cutting, vertical stacking, horizontal stacking, and game rules of ultimate frisbee.
【已截止報名 Closed】
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2408
Date 日期: 6/9, 13/9, 20/9, 27/9/2024
Time 時間: 2000-2300
Venue 地點: Shun Lee Tsuen Park 順利邨公園
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
Fee 費用:$100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2404
Date 日期: 8/6, 15/6, 22/6, 29/6/2024
Time 時間: 1300-1600
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Fld 4 跑馬地遊樂場四號場
對象 Target: 15歲或以上 15 years old or above
費用 Fee: $100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2405
Date 日期: 13/7, 20/7, 27/7, 3/8/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 2 跑馬地遊樂場二號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
費用 Fee: $100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2406
Date 日期: 16/7,17/7, 23/7, 24/7/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 1 跑馬地遊樂場一號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
費用 Fee: $100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2407
Date 日期: 6/8, 7/8, 13/8, 14/8/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 1 跑馬地遊樂場一號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
Fee 費用:$100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
Participants MUST complete the 4 days classes to receive course certificate. Participants will receive a frisbee upon completion.
Participants who have previously attended the Elementary Ultimate Training Course is not eligible to register again for the same course.
Payment is only accepted via credit card. Please contact us if you cannot pay with a credit card.
Paid fee is not refundable after successful enrollment.
Please note the following point:
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2408
Date 日期: 6/9, 13/9, 20/9, 27/9/2024
Time 時間: 2000-2300
Venue 地點: Shun Lee Tsuen Park 順利邨公園
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
Fee 費用:$100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2407
Date 日期: 6/8, 7/8, 13/8, 14/8/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 1跑馬地遊樂場一號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
Fee 費用:$100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2406
Date 日期: 16/7,17/7, 23/7, 24/7/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 1跑馬地遊樂場一號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
Fee 費用:$100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes
初級極限飛盤訓練課程 Elementary Ultimate Training Course 2024
✨課程編號 Course code: UE2405
Date 日期: 13/7, 20/7, 27/7, 3/8/2024
Time 時間: 15:00-18:00
Venue 地點: Happy Valley Recreation Ground Field 2 跑馬地遊樂場二號場
對象 Target: 12歲或以上 12 years old or above
費用 Fee: $100 / 4堂 $100 / 4 classes