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Event Details

'Long COVID' is affecting up to 30% of people who have had the virus. What can health professions do for the patient with ongoing COVID symptoms?

The TPA team interviewed Dr. Deepak Ravindran. He is a pain specialist anaesthetist in Berkshire, England and is the head of the Royal Berkshire Hospital Pain Clinic. He has recently been appointed as clinical lead of the Berkshire long COVID centre and believes that a background in chronic pain management has prepared him for his current role.

We had the opportunity to tap into his insights on managing long COVID. Our discussion covered the range of long COVID symptoms and management strategies as well as the overlap between long COVID presentations and post viral fatigue conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Register for this session in the Engine Room and you get:

1. The pre-recorded interview with Dr. Ravindran

2. A pre-webinar pack including relevant articles and resources

3. A seat at the interactive discussion (on Zoom) with the TPA team, where we brainstorm implementation into everyday practice.

We look forward to seeing you in the Engine Room on 12 April at 7pm!

Apr 12, 2021

19:00 - 20:00 GMT+2


  • Dr. Deepak Ravindran (Pain specialist anaesthetist & Clinical lead at Royal Berkshire Hospital long COVID clinic)

    Dr. Deepak Ravindran

    Pain specialist anaesthetist & Clinical lead at Royal Berkshire Hospital long COVID clinic

    Read Bio


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Pain management principles applied to long COVID

This ticket includes:
* Relevant article emailed to you
* Recorded interview with expert
* Seat at live Zoom discussion of topic
All prices are ex VAT

R 200