Event Details

In this Experienced User Assessment, the student will demonstrate competent and safe use of the tools within the woodshop.



  • AH

    Alex Hahl

    Maintenance and Safety Technician

    Alex is a freelance maker and teacher who specializes in metal fabrication. He grew up in the idyllic suburbs of northern Virginia and went on to get a degree in geography from the University of Kansas. After a subsequent career as a pizza artist, he hit the road and found himself working as a commercial fisherman on the coast of Maine. Now in Burlington, Generator is where Alex spends most of his time. His goal in life is to learn how to do everything, or at least everything that interests him.

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Wood Shop Training (Member Only)
Member Price $180


40 Sears Ln

Sears Lane 40
Burlington, Vermont

If you have any questions please contact Jake Ducharme

Contact Organizer

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