This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other German Thai Chamber of Commerce events.

Event Details

The German-Thai Chamber of Commerce (GTCC) is organizing a digital business mission for German companies to Thailand between November 02-06, 2020 with a focus on technology solutions for smart cities.

During this week, GTCC is inviting relevant stakeholders from both the private and public sector to join the German-Thai digital conference on "Smart City" on November 03, 2020. This conference is taking place within the framework of the Foreign Market Entry Programme for SMEs supported by the BMWi (Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy). The digital conference will feature presentations from the following German companies with a focus on 3 pillars (Smart Mobility, Smart Energy & IT Software Solutions):

  • Cuculus GmbH
  • Dornier Group GmbH
  • efficiency systems (Thilo Heffner)
  • embeddeers GmbH
  • Max Bรถgl Stiftung & Co. KG
  • PCM Rail One AG
  • gmbh
  • XignSys GmbH

In Thailand, the Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa) has set a goal to turn 100 cities nationwide into smart cities by the year 2022 to improve the economy and quality of life. To gain more knowledge and understanding on smart city solutions made in Germany as well as valuable insights from Thai experts (Smart City Thailand Office / depa & Thailand Board of Investment, BOI) in this sector, we cordially invite you to join the German-Thai digital conference via Zoom.

For participating, we kindly ask you to register by latest October 30, 2020.

Regarding to the B2B-Meetings on November 4-6, 2020, the above mentioned 8 German companies would also like to present their solutions and services individually to Thai stakeholders and relevant market players operating in Thailand. Their names and activities are linked. If you are interested in meeting (digital) any of them individually during the mentioned dates, please tick the relevant box in the B2B meeting form and send it back to us at for further arrangement.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at And we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


Nov 3, 2020

13:30 - 16:50 GMT+7


  • 13:30 - 14:00Registration
    14:00 - 14:10Opening of Conference & Introduction Foreign Market Entry Programme (MEP) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
    Dr. Roland Wein, Executive Director, GTCC
    14:10 - 14:20Welcome Remarks
    Dr. Alexander Raubold, Counselor, Economic and Commercial Affairs, German Embassy Bangkok
    14:20 - 14:35Keynote Speech โ€“ Current Status and Opportunities of Smart City Projects in Thailand
    Dr. Non Arkaraprasertkul, Senior Expert, Smart City Thailand Office, The Digital Economy Promotion Agency (depa)
    14:35 - 14:50Smart City - investment incentives Thailand
    Narit Therdsteerasukdi, Deputy Secretary General, Thailand Board of Investment (BOI)
    14:50 - 15:00Smart Cities in Germany
    Michael Berz, Senior Manager Digital & Service Industries, Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI)
    15:00 - 15:10Q&A Session
    15:10 - 15:20Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
    Punya Chupanit, Deputy Director General, The Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP), Ministry of Transport
    15:20 - 15:50Company Presentations โ€“ Session I โ€“ Smart Mobility
    • Dornier Consulting International GmbH
    Dr. Helga Jonuschat, Director New Mobility
    • Max Bögl Stiftung & Co. KG
    Tim Präger, Product Manager Transport Systems
    Gerhard Scholz, Senior Manager Business
    15:50 - 16:20Company Presentations โ€“ Session II โ€“ IT Software Solutions
    • XignSys GmbH
    Lars-Oliver Schröder, Chief Sales Officer
    • embeddeers GmbH
    Mandy Andritzke, Managing Director
    • efficiency systems
    Thilo Heffner, CEO
    16:20 - 16:30Q&A Session
    16:30 - 16:50Company Presentations โ€“ Session III โ€“ Smart Energy
    • Cuculus GmbH
    Rene Böringer, Managing Director
    • gmbh
    Dr.-Ing. Stephan Wilforth, Managing Director
    16:50 - 17:00Q&A Session and Wrap-up of Virtual Conference


Virtual Conference "Smart City"