A well-trained and efficiently organised financial market operations department is essential to complete every transaction. The operations department provides a vital service to the front office by ensuring that all funds flow in a timely and correct manner and that all the necessary documentation is completed.
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Overall View of Financial Markets
Role of dealers
Role of operations for both back office and middle office
Generic transaction workflow
Straight-through processing
Deal Capture, Trade Entry and Confirmations
Input of deals
Deal confirmation and matching
Over-the-counter and exchange settlement overview
The SWIFT messaging system
Correspondent banking accounts – Nostro and Vostro accounts
Position keeping and stock reconcilliation
Risk Management and Compliance
Key Financial Market risks and risk mitigation
Market risk
Credit risk
Operational risk
Other financial market risks
Overview of the Compliance function
Anti-money laundering regulations
Static data management
Standardized market documentation for OTC products
Equity Market
Equity instruments jargon and charateristics
Ordinary shares or common equity
Preference shares
Equity settlement process
Foreign Exchange Market
Foreign exchange market jargon and instrument characteristics
Spot and forward exchange settlement calculation
Foreign Exchange settlement for non-CLS settlement
CLS Bank settlement
Money Market
Money market instruments jargon and characteristics
Deposits – call and term
Negotiable Certificates of Deposit
Discount Instruments
Repurchase Agreements
Money market settlement process
Bond Market
Bonds Jargon and characteristics
Repo market conventions
Bond exchange settlement process
Clean and Dirty price
Accrued interest conventions and Calculations
Cum and Ex interest settlement convention
Derivatives Market
FRAs, Swaps, futures, and options jargon and instrument characteristics
Settlement calculations for FRAs and Swaps
Futures Exchange mechanism and margining process
Member Price
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