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Save the dateFebruary 9 - 11, 2021 GMT+2
Event Details
Event Details

Exportbeurs 2021, volledig digitaal

Hét evenement voor internationaal ondernemen

Van 9 t.e.m. 11 februari, kunnen Vlaamse bedrijven met internationale ambities:

-digitale afspraken boeken met buitenlandse vertegenwoordigers van Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) en hun exportplannen bespreken;

-virtuele beursstanden bezoeken van ruim 50 dienstverleners die internationale projecten ondersteunen;

-interactieve workshops/seminaries bijwonen

-virtueel netwerken

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Exportbeurs 2021, fully digital

The event of internationaa entrepreneurship

From 9 till 11 February, Flemish companies with international ambitions:

-book digital meetings with the foreign agents of Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) and discuss their export ambitions

-visit virtuale exhibition stands of more then 50 service suppliers who sustain international projects

-interactive workshops/seminaries

-virtual netwerking

Register and book your appointments!

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The Belgium Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce will be present !

Sponsors and Partners
Sponsors and Partners

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