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Floating production units including ship-shaped FSOs, FPSOs as well as semisubmersible production units, have transformed the development of marginal or geographically isolated offshore oil and gas fields around the world. As many of these units and fields are now reaching the end of their productive lives, efficient decommissioning of these unique assets needs to be considered. This presents opportunities to quickly reduce post Cessation of Production costs but also challenges around how to prepare, store and ultimately remove the attached subsea infrastructure and subsea wells.

An appreciation of the stages of floating infrastructure decommissioning, application of relevant technologies, good planning, and positive stakeholder engagement supports the delivery of a solid lowest cost decommissioning process that enhances industry reputation.

Join us in the second session of the technical webinar series on decommissioning where the Acteon team will share the group's experience and knowledge of delivering floating infrastructure removal.

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