Attraction and Retention of Generation Z
By the end of this decade, Generation Z will enter the workplace for the first time. Born from 1995 to 2011, members of this generation are from diverse backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles โ but they have a few things in common. Gen Z's with the expectation that fast-paced technology and unlimited connections should always be at their fingertips. They expect constant feedback, yet want their voices heard and valued. They are experiential learners with a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Plus, they are constantly connected to the world around them through technology. With Generation Z representing over 28% of the global population, their influence on where and how we work will be significant, and their characteristics suggest that they will have different workspace needs.
Steelcase researchers explored the influences that drive Generation Z in order to determine the factors organizations need to consider when integrating them into the workplace. Researchers determined that changes will not only occur in the space itself, but also in organizational culture, work processes and technology.
In this presentation, you will learn about the characteristics, behaviors, influences and values of Generation Z as well as the impact and implications they will have on the workplace. The course explains the genesis of Generation Z's unique view on technology. It will also point to some key factors to attracting and retaining Gen Z's in the workplace.