Workshop Details

The Getting on Boards workshop allows women to gain the insights and skills they need to prepare for board service. This workshop will provide practical experience and tools to empower women with the confidence and courage to lead and serve on boards.

This in-person workshop will be interactive, with Q&A elements to support learning and networking.

The key learnings will be based on Deborah Rosati-e-book "How to Get Yourself On a Board" - you will receive a complimentary copy when you register.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Master the Foundations of Board Service
  • Position Your Board Offer
  • Get Board Interviews
  • Ace Your Board Interview

Facilitator & Corporate Director in Residence

  • Deborah Rosati, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D, GCB.D, CCB.D (Founder & CEO of Women Get On Board Inc.)

    Deborah Rosati, FCPA, FCA, ICD.D, GCB.D, CCB.D

    Founder & CEO of Women Get On Board Inc.

    Deborah Rosati, an award-winning corporate director and entrepreneur, has been defined in three interconnected ways throughout her 35-year career – as a corporate governance champion, catalyst for change and community builder.

    As the founder and CEO of Women Get On Board Inc. (WGOB), an 850-member social-purpose company, Deborah is building a community of the next generation of women corporate directors, advancing equity, diversity & inclusion (EDI), collaboration, courage, and confidence in the boardroom. Fueled by women holding only 26% of TSX-listed companies’ board seats,* WGOB amplifies the voices of women leaders, board members and professionals across Canada through education, mentorship and allyship. It’s been called The Power of Three – one woman in the boardroom is a token, two is a presence, and three is a voice.

    Deborah is a leading and serving corporate director and has chaired many public company audit committees and nominating & corporate governance committees. In addition, Deborah has led and served on numerous special committees with various mandates (including going public, going private, M&A, restructuring and special investigations). Deborah’s passion for good governance and board diversity is rooted in her board journey when she was often the only woman in the boardroom. These first-hand experiences cemented Deborah’s conviction that having more women on boards makes better business sense.

    Never satisfied with the status quo, Deborah always seeks ways to challenge expectations and drive change. She brings an environmental, social and governance (ESG) lens to every board she serves on, as she believes in the power and responsibility of business to change our world for the better.

    Deborah’s commitment to sustainable change and empowerment, deep governance and financial expertise and dynamic personality has made Deborah a sought-after thought leader and speaker —her thought leadership on corporate governance, sustainability, EDI and social impact is profiled on her website,

    Deborah’s recent awards include:

    - SustainabilityX Magazine’s inaugural Global 50 Women in Sustainability Award, 2022
    - WXN’s Top 100 Canada’s Most Powerful Women: Entrepreneur (2021) and Corporate Director (2012)
    - 2020 “Director to Watch”

    Deborah’s social purpose is to get more women on boards—one woman and one board at a time.

    *Osler’s 2022 Diversity Disclosure Practices report

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  • Angela Tu Weissenberger, M.A. (Econ), ICD.D, GCB.D (Corporate Director)

    Angela Tu Weissenberger, M.A. (Econ), ICD.D, GCB.D

    Corporate Director

    Angela is a corporate director, economics leader and entrepreneur with over 30 years’ experience in financial services, energy, economic development, and public policy. Leveraging her deep understanding of economic issues facing individuals and businesses, she provides strategic advice to clients in the corporate and government sectors across Canada.

    With over 14 years of governance experience, she is a member of the Board of the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission. She is a former Board Director for Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation where she served with two Bank of Canada governors. She also served on the board of Honens International Piano Competition.

    Angela is a Corporate Director in Residence at Women Get on Board, a national member-based organization that connects, promotes and empowers women to corporate boards. She’s been a member of the Regional Ambassador Council since 2018 and was a mentor in WGOB’s inaugural mentorship program.

    Angela’s professional experience includes Group Head, Global Project and Structured Finance, Energy and Chemicals, at RBC Royal Bank. She was a Lead Financial Advisor to Natural Resources Canada on the restructuring and privatization of Atomic Energy of Canada’s commercial assets. She has worked closely with indigenous groups on economic development. Angela has taught economics as a guest lecturer in Commercial Strategies at Centre for Petroleum and Mineral Law, University of Dundee, UK, and at Mount Royal University.

    Angela holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in economics from University of Calgary, an Institute of Corporate Directors Designation (ICD.D) from University of Toronto Rotman School of Management, and a Global Competent Boards Designation (GCB.D). Angela has also completed Financial Risk Management and Corporate Governance programs at Harvard Business School.

    For more information please see:

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Getting on Boards (WGOB Member)

Single registration for WGOB Members

Member Price CAD $450
Getting on Boards (Non-Member)

Single registration for non-WGOB Members

Standard Price CAD $550


KPMG Offices

333 Bay St. - Bay Adelaide Centre, Toronto Boardroom, 46th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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